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the outsider the outsider 10/28/13 Tranzactie desfasurata fara probleme!Om serios Septi Septi
mishoo mishoo 10/28/13 Vanzator serios. Recomand 100%! Alin Rosulescu Alin Rosulescu
otringal otringal 10/28/13 Tranzactie reusita Eugen D Eugen D
stratosaurus stratosaurus 10/28/13 Am fãcut mai multe schimburi pânã acum, de fiecare datã totul a mers bine. eduard.alexandru eduard.alexandru
Liviu.Pop Liviu.Pop 10/27/13 om de incredere, prompt. recomand Ursu StuWie Mihai Ursu StuWie Mihai
KinnuOath KinnuOath 10/27/13 Foarte de treaba. Ne-am inteles cu programul, totul a decurs exact cum trebuie. Pacman Pacman
the outsider the outsider 10/27/13 Tranzactie fara probleme. Recomand! manbearpig manbearpig
manbearpig manbearpig 10/27/13 Om foarte serios si prompt,recomand cu incredere :) the outsider the outsider
Ursu StuWie Mihai Ursu StuWie Mihai 10/26/13 Prompt si corect. Recomand oricand. Liviu.Pop Liviu.Pop
arbitr_stefi arbitr_stefi 10/26/13 Om fain. Nici o problema. Recomand! Frishu Frishu
Frishu Frishu 10/26/13 om de incredere, recomand cu incredere. arbitr_stefi arbitr_stefi
Radu Adrian Eremia Radu Adrian Eremia 10/26/13 Om de incredere, am avut o buna comunicare BUBU TL BUBU TL
BUBU TL BUBU TL 10/25/13 om serios! Radu Adrian Eremia Radu Adrian Eremia
*ptr *ptr 10/25/13 Vanzator serios .Recomand. mnastase760 mnastase760
andreyush01 andreyush01 10/25/13 Serios si punctual, recomand! guitarsarpe guitarsarpe
Daiabitiz Uyup Zwurp Daiabitiz Uyup Zwurp 10/25/13 Om de nota 10. Respect! eduard.alexandru eduard.alexandru
mnastase760 mnastase760 10/25/13 Coleg foarte serios, recomand. *ptr *ptr
guitarsarpe guitarsarpe 10/25/13 De incredere si de treaba! Recomand! andreyush01 andreyush01
wyky wyky 10/25/13 Superserios, ambalat extrem de bine, scula exact ca in descriere, chapeau gabriel4 gabriel4
gigimarga gigimarga 10/25/13 Prompt, serios, super om, recomand oricand! robinfinity robinfinity
mammoth_mark mammoth_mark 10/25/13 Vanzator rapid si serios. Mi-a facut placere sa cumpar de la el! flaviusino flaviusino
robinfinity robinfinity 10/24/13 Un vechi amic de nota 10!!! Recomand!!! gigimarga gigimarga
Herciu Remus Herciu Remus 10/24/13 Totul in regula. Recomand chitara_calda chitara_calda
gabriel4 gabriel4 10/24/13 cumparator serios wyky wyky
Razvan S. Razvan S. 10/24/13 totul bine, serios ca intotdeauna. Crypto Crypto
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