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Gunti Gunti 10/10/13 Totul a decurs firesc. Un om de mare incredere. eddy68ro eddy68ro
eddy68ro eddy68ro 10/10/13 :) Gunti Gunti
chrom_dioxid chrom_dioxid 10/10/13 tranzactie reusita ,om de incredere. mxr mxr
tudoranu tudoranu 10/10/13 Super ok si serios. Recomand.mersi florerusu florerusu
Ibanozzi Ibanozzi 10/10/13 Prompt, fara amanari. Recomand! sorin65 sorin65
florerusu florerusu 10/10/13 Totul OK! multumesc tudoranu tudoranu
George George 10/09/13 Foarte ok! Pedala dincolo de asteptari! aleku aleku
sorin65 sorin65 10/09/13 Super OK, produsul in stare impecabila, recomand! Ibanozzi Ibanozzi
Seriosul Seriosul 10/09/13 Persoana de incredere si comunicativa, recomand cu placere. Septi Septi
blaser blaser 10/09/13 Persoana foarte serioasa. Mr. Blues Mr. Blues
Lazăr Bogdan Lazăr Bogdan 10/09/13 Un tip de incredere. Recomand fara abtineri! Nenea Rau Nenea Rau
sk8raven sk8raven 10/08/13 Nota 10, yes indeed! Crypto Crypto
Crypto Crypto 10/08/13 Nota 10, ca de obicei. sk8raven sk8raven
HobNob HobNob 10/08/13 Om de incredere , recomand tuturor! arbitr_stefi arbitr_stefi
crashterrier crashterrier 10/08/13 Revin,nu am vrut sa zic nu recomand,ci om de incredere marlon brandon marlon brandon
slayer slayer 10/08/13 Om super de treaba! Cumparator serios! Marquess of Orange Marquess of Orange
Marquess of Orange Marquess of Orange 10/08/13 Vanzator serios, respect slayer slayer
akebono akebono 10/08/13 Cumpãrãtor serios, recomand. 'mnezău 'mnezău
'mnezău 'mnezău 10/08/13 Foarte serios si prompt. akebono akebono
misro misro 10/08/13 vanzator serios, prompt, rabdator. recomand! Aleksei Aleksei
Aleksei Aleksei 10/08/13 tranzactie ok, cumparator serios, recomand cu incredere misro misro
Noposition Noposition 10/08/13 Serios si rapid. Recomand! SolDiez SolDiez
demiicaros demiicaros 10/07/13 tranzactie rapida, user serios Razvan S. Razvan S.
leo1984 leo1984 10/07/13 Totul a fost ok! demiicaros demiicaros
Razvan S. Razvan S. 10/07/13 Totul a fost ok! demiicaros demiicaros
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