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Renan Renan 10/26/16 Un tip serios, apelati cu incredere! myke37 myke37
myke37 myke37 10/26/16 cool dude, good sales man! Renan Renan
noxe noxe 10/25/16 Super băiat. Foarte punctual și serios! Mersi! Radu Burcea Radu Burcea
Radu Burcea Radu Burcea 10/25/16 10/10 would do business again. noxe noxe
VIc VIc 10/25/16 De incredere, recomand! BVD2014 BVD2014
Adinel Berehorschi Adinel Berehorschi 10/25/16 Dupa mai multe dealuri pot spune un singur lucru: exceptional Blackthorn Blackthorn
Blackthorn Blackthorn 10/24/16 A nu stiu cata oara, cel mai fain om cu cele mai bune deal-uri! :) Adinel Berehorschi Adinel Berehorschi
VIc VIc 10/24/16 super gentelman, om serios canstantzin canstantzin
canstantzin canstantzin 10/24/16 Foarte amabil si serios! Recomand! VIc VIc
Paul Fagadar Paul Fagadar 10/24/16 Totul ok, deja am facute cateva afaceri impreuna, recomand! bdeliriou5 bdeliriou5
adis adis 10/23/16 Vanzator serios, de incredere si amabil. Recomand din toata inima! RRS RRS
Airhead Airhead 10/22/16 Neaparat tre' sa interpretam niste beri ! Omul asta este cu adevarat OM ! Brother Cane Brother Cane
Brother Cane Brother Cane 10/22/16 Știu ca ma repet: o adevarata plăcere ! Airhead Airhead
LumpY LumpY 10/22/16 Persoana de incredere. Recomand! cataz cataz
bdeliriou5 bdeliriou5 10/21/16 Recomand! Un baiat foarte serios. Paul Fagadar Paul Fagadar
parocock parocock 10/21/16 A fost o placere. Nu poti sa nu-l recomanzi ca om foarte serios. Merci ! RROCK ! Brother Cane Brother Cane
hestax hestax 10/21/16 Coleg de incredere. Tranzactie rapida si fara probleme. Tamas Kalman Tamas Kalman
b.sharp b.sharp 10/20/16 recomand cu incredere virgil virgil
SergiuPetrache SergiuPetrache 10/19/16 Are marfa de calitate. De incredere! Recomand! Christian Cort Christian Cort
Christian Cort Christian Cort 10/19/16 Corect, de incredere.Recomand! SergiuPetrache SergiuPetrache
Codrin Balan Codrin Balan 10/18/16 Super baiat, prompt, serios. Coman Dragos Coman Dragos
Fllockas Fllockas 10/18/16 Vanzator de cuvant, produsul cumparat este excelent, comunicarea foarte buna. BUBU TL BUBU TL
levi.h levi.h 10/18/16 Recomand cu incredere,om de cuvant! Gubesz Gubesz
edy_wheazel edy_wheazel 10/18/16 Super coleg ! Recomand cu incredere ! Crypto Crypto
Crypto Crypto 10/18/16 Ambalat corespunzator si trimis prompt. Recomand! edy_wheazel edy_wheazel
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