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Coman Dragos Coman Dragos 10/18/16 Om serios, amabil cu care am rezolvat repede tranzactia ! Recomand. Codrin Balan Codrin Balan
FMI FMI 10/17/16 Nota 10! AddRien AddRien
FMI FMI 10/17/16 Foarte de treabă și parolist! AddRien AddRien
ulfhednar ulfhednar 10/16/16 Vanzator serios. Recomand! RRS RRS
sleepdownloader sleepdownloader 10/16/16 Cumparator foarte serios, recomand Blackthorn Blackthorn
Blackthorn Blackthorn 10/15/16 Vanzator serios. Recomand sleepdownloader sleepdownloader
painter painter 10/15/16 Om serios, tranzactie fara probleme! manbearpig manbearpig
muzicaneplace muzicaneplace 10/15/16 User serios, intelegator, totul a decurs fain. Recomand! Edmond Edmond
millu2m millu2m 10/15/16 Tranzactia a decurs perfect! Cumparator de incredere. Recomand 100% ThinkBlue ThinkBlue
winci winci 10/14/16 Livrare prompta, client multumit. finics finics
ThinkBlue ThinkBlue 10/14/16 Vânzător de încredere, recomand millu2m millu2m
ERLEND KAPPL ERLEND KAPPL 10/14/16 Cinelele exact ca in poze, prompt, ambalate corespunzator. O persoana serioasa. andrei.turcu andrei.turcu
Fllockas Fllockas 10/14/16 De incredere. De treaba. Produs ambalat corespunzator. Szasz Csaba Szasz Csaba
gabi21 gabi21 10/14/16 Totul a decurs normal. pty pty
toodie90 toodie90 10/13/16 Tranzactie faina. Vinzatorul ok. Recomand. whisky whisky
D.C. D.C. 10/13/16 Om foarte deschis si de incredere!! Hyper10n Hyper10n
Gubesz Gubesz 10/13/16 Jos palaria! levi.h levi.h
finics finics 10/13/16 Prompt, de incredere, recomand! winci winci
Tamas Kalman Tamas Kalman 10/13/16 Foarte serios, hotarat si cu gusturi bune :) Blackthorn Blackthorn
ThinkBlue ThinkBlue 10/13/16 Totul a decurs foarte bine. Recomand !! Codrin Balan Codrin Balan
Codrin Balan Codrin Balan 10/13/16 Total de incredere, cumparator serios! Recomand! ThinkBlue ThinkBlue
Blackthorn Blackthorn 10/13/16 Tranzactie rapida, coleg serios! Tamas Kalman Tamas Kalman
Hyper10n Hyper10n 10/12/16 Super, recomand cu încredere! D.C. D.C.
Blackthorn Blackthorn 10/12/16 tranzactie excelenta, recomand (daca mai era nevoie) Airhead Airhead
Mikipirat Mikipirat 10/12/16 totul a decurs f civilizat, conform intelegerii. recomand Vladympv Vladympv
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