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moises moises 10/02/16 Propt, de incredere, comunicativ, recomand! winci winci
radu.popescu radu.popescu 10/01/16 Fratili mieu finics finics
finics finics 10/01/16 10+++!!!! Finics RULZ!!! radu.popescu radu.popescu
Akordnaci Akordnaci 10/01/16 Produs conform descrierii! Vanzator intelegator si serios! Recomand! Christian Cort Christian Cort
stanciudaniel stanciudaniel 10/01/16 Produs conform descrierii! Vanzator intelegator si serios! Recomand! Christian Cort Christian Cort
MusicmanJP MusicmanJP 10/01/16 Tranzactie corecta din toate punctele de vedere. kiske13 kiske13
Blackthorn Blackthorn 10/01/16 Recomand cu mare caldura ! Marius e o persoana amabila si calda. Totul perfect Jokers Wild Jokers Wild
Kakerdu Kakerdu 10/01/16 om de incredere, recomand! arbitr_stefi arbitr_stefi
hrd hand hrd hand 10/01/16 om de incredere, recomand! arbitr_stefi arbitr_stefi
hrd hand hrd hand 10/01/16 om de incredere, recomand! arbitr_stefi arbitr_stefi
Dissection Dissection 10/01/16 om de incredere, recomand! arbitr_stefi arbitr_stefi
sorin the dab sorin the dab 10/01/16 cumparator serios!! de incredere! recomand! Akordnaci Akordnaci
stanciudaniel stanciudaniel 09/30/16 De cuvant,recomand! eko eko
moises moises 09/30/16 Serios, de incredere, recomand! winci winci
Akordnaci Akordnaci 09/30/16 Totul OK .Recomand sorin the dab sorin the dab
Adinel Berehorschi Adinel Berehorschi 09/29/16 Vanzator,amabil,prompt;tranzactie derulata pozitiv Seriosul Seriosul
baltazar181 baltazar181 09/29/16 Totul a decurs perfect, om foarte amabil! :D Hyper10n Hyper10n
Hyper10n Hyper10n 09/28/16 Vanzator foarte Ok recomand cu caldura! baltazar181 baltazar181
Razvan S. Razvan S. 09/28/16 Impecabil ca de obicei, recomand. cotrusvlad cotrusvlad
dani dani 09/28/16 I-am facut un efect 2 in 1 de bass pre/drive la schimb pe pedale. Recomand!!+++ Razvan S. Razvan S.
cotrusvlad cotrusvlad 09/28/16 Om serios, a venit personal dupa pedala. Recomand!+++ Razvan S. Razvan S.
ebh ebh 09/26/16 nicio problema la tranzactie toodie90 toodie90
toodie90 toodie90 09/26/16 Tranzactia a decurs perfect, ca de fiecare data. ebh ebh
edy_wheazel edy_wheazel 09/26/16 Cumparator serios! Recomand! Bguitar Bguitar
Bguitar Bguitar 09/26/16 Produs descris 100% corect, prompt la livrare. Recomand! edy_wheazel edy_wheazel
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