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Razvan S. Razvan S. 02/23/12 PEFECT - DE CEA MAI MARE INCREDERE - RECOMAND CU CALDURA !!! Brother Cane Brother Cane
danpopp danpopp 02/23/12 Vanzare fara probleme, cumparator serios. recomand 100% Airhead Airhead
adi1334 adi1334 02/22/12 Hotarat. Serios. Danz Danz
'mnezău 'mnezău 02/22/12 Om de cuvant. Recomand. ggedamed ggedamed
Danz Danz 02/22/12 Totul a mers cum trebuie, produsul asa cum a fost descris. \o/ rocknroll adi1334 adi1334
ggedamed ggedamed 02/22/12 Vanzator serios, recomand. 'mnezău 'mnezău
crackk1 crackk1 02/22/12 Ok,user serios. Razvan S. Razvan S.
bach bach 02/22/12 Tranzactie ca la carte, recomand :) Squier Squier
Razvan S. Razvan S. 02/22/12 Vanzator de incredere, schimbul a fost facut fara nici o problema.. bach bach
Squier Squier 02/22/12 Super Om, recomand, vanzator mega serios. bach bach
I like gibson.. I like gibson.. 02/22/12 un vanzator serios si un om foarte ok. octavi octavi
thebopfish thebopfish 02/22/12 om serios, am facut un schimb super fain cu el.recomand! Solarograma Solarograma
Borsec Borsec 02/22/12 Vanzator de incredere Strigat Strigat
octavi octavi 02/22/12 Tranzactie desfasurata fara probleme..Un OM de onoare.Jos Palaria. I like gibson.. I like gibson..
Wagner Tamas Wagner Tamas 02/22/12 Om serios. Recomand. Borsec Borsec
Strigat Strigat 02/22/12 Om serios. Recomand. Borsec Borsec
Ironside Ironside 02/21/12 Cumparator serios,vanzarea a decurs perfect! Radu Burcea Radu Burcea
Radu Burcea Radu Burcea 02/21/12 vinzator serios, totul a decurs perfect. Ironside Ironside
Solarograma Solarograma 02/21/12 om serios si de cuvant (schimb de pedale prin posta romana) thebopfish thebopfish
absurdul absurdul 02/21/12 Good guitar . Very friendly seller:D Rulment Rulment
Horatiu89 Horatiu89 02/20/12 Super de treaba, foarte flexibil si de mare incredere :D Un adevarat domn! theuts theuts
bamwels bamwels 02/20/12 Yup :D deal ok Razvan S. Razvan S.
Razvan S. Razvan S. 02/20/12 Inca un deal ok bamwels bamwels
Iuliu Iuliu 02/20/12 Incantat de achizitie !Vanzator de incredere , prompt si serios Multumesc RGC!!! FMI FMI
bach bach 02/20/12 User serios, a facut un cab superb cu super difuri! Razvan S. Razvan S.
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