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Iuliu Iuliu 02/20/12 Incantat de achizitie !Vanzator de incredere , prompt si serios Multumesc RGC!!! FMI FMI
liviusnop liviusnop 02/19/12 Client serios, recomand. EugenRo2001 EugenRo2001
Rhoads Rhoads 02/19/12 Serios,Hotarat,Recomand eddy68ro eddy68ro
eddy68ro eddy68ro 02/19/12 Vanzator serios, totul a fost in regula. Recomand cu incredere. Rhoads Rhoads
zan zan 02/19/12 Salut dap asa cumparatori sa tot ai ms... telecaster 1 telecaster 1
telecaster 1 telecaster 1 02/18/12 Serios, rapid. Recomand. zan zan
EugenRo2001 EugenRo2001 02/18/12 Vom mai colabora sigur! mi-a montat straplocks, rezolvat jack si crapaturi. liviusnop liviusnop
DREAMVISION DREAMVISION 02/18/12 am cumparat, sunt multumit danud danud
EugenRo2001 EugenRo2001 02/18/12 Sunt foarte multumit de lucrarile facute. Recomand 100% ! un chitarist un chitarist
Trigger Trigger 02/18/12 Schimbul s-a facut fara probleme. Om serios si il recomand cu incredere! bandibalog bandibalog
spike2 spike2 02/18/12 user serios. recomand rocky_shorty rocky_shorty
igorr igorr 02/17/12 coleg serios . stratosaurus stratosaurus
traresnic traresnic 02/17/12 de treaba omul, am luat un boss ac2 de la el. mersi ;) skepsys skepsys
skepsys skepsys 02/17/12 all ok. traresnic traresnic
thebopfish thebopfish 02/17/12 Om serios si de incredere. Edmond Edmond
Edmond Edmond 02/16/12 am incheiat tranzactia cu succes, user de incredere. thebopfish thebopfish
tintinhonda tintinhonda 02/16/12 de treaba omul. mersi :) skepsys skepsys
odera89 odera89 02/16/12 Om serios,recomand tootzoo tootzoo
tootzoo tootzoo 02/16/12 tranzactia reusita. recomand. odera89 odera89
DANI T DANI T 02/16/12 de incredere. Recomand! Grim Grim
nelu_bass nelu_bass 02/15/12 Foarte foarte de treaba! Pedalboard-ul este de calitate si nu am avut probleme! Pacman Pacman
stratosaurus stratosaurus 02/15/12 Om de incredere! Recomand! Elvisz Elvisz
Elvisz Elvisz 02/15/12 coleg serios, recomand ! stratosaurus stratosaurus
Razvan S. Razvan S. 02/14/12 DIY-er de nota 10 si vanzator serios. eduard.alexandru eduard.alexandru
eduard.alexandru eduard.alexandru 02/14/12 User serios, ca de obicei :D Razvan S. Razvan S.
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