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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
bentatiberiu bentatiberiu 07/09/13 om serios sweetheartofarose sweetheartofarose
florerusu florerusu 07/09/13 Om fain si serios. Recomand! Frishu Frishu
Adrian_Z Adrian_Z 07/08/13 De mare incredere. Recomand oricand! necu' necu'
'mnezău 'mnezău 07/08/13 Coleg de incredere si serios! Crypto Crypto
Crypto Crypto 07/08/13 Membru serios, recomand. 'mnezău 'mnezău
Utopian Mintrubber Utopian Mintrubber 07/08/13 il recomand! prompt si serios! sorin65 sorin65
arminius arminius 07/08/13 Tranzactie impecabila, persoana de incredere, recomand cu multa caldura!!! mischike mischike
dand dand 07/08/13 am cumparat exact ce cautam. foarte multumit de cum a decurs tranzactia. Oma_Krull Oma_Krull
sorin65 sorin65 07/07/13 Recomand cu incredere! Utopian Mintrubber Utopian Mintrubber
Oma_Krull Oma_Krull 07/07/13 Dealul a decurs foarte bine! Om de incredere! Recomand! dand dand
mischike mischike 07/07/13 Tranzactie cu un om serios si de incredere. Recomand ***** arminius arminius
nandi nandi 07/05/13 O persoana deosebita si un vanzator corect. Tot respectul! RockyVlad RockyVlad
avatar2100 avatar2100 07/05/13 Tranzactie reusita fara probleme, recomand cu incredere ! D.C. D.C.
D.C. D.C. 07/05/13 Tranzactie fara probleme, o persoana foarte serioasa. Recomand avatar2100 avatar2100
Seller Seller 07/05/13 Ma bucur ca exista si romani corecti. avatar2100 avatar2100
Seller Seller 07/05/13 Foarte parolist. Recomand avatar2100 avatar2100
sweetheartofarose sweetheartofarose 07/05/13 Om serios, tranzactie reusita, multumesc RGC. bentatiberiu bentatiberiu
avatar2100 avatar2100 07/05/13 Doar cuvinte de laude. Seller Seller
avatar2100 avatar2100 07/05/13 sunat,mers,vazut,cumparat. De incredere! Seller Seller
Frishu Frishu 07/05/13 Cumparator extrem de serios ! Mersi mult florerusu florerusu
marcovici marcovici 07/05/13 cumparator serios ,recomand Radu Lazarovici Radu Lazarovici
Seller Seller 07/05/13 Tranzactie rapida. Om de cuvant. Crin Antonescu are de invatat de la acest om!!! loris loris
RockyVlad RockyVlad 07/05/13 Cumparator serios, de incredere. nandi nandi
Wagner Tamas Wagner Tamas 07/05/13 Inca un schimb reusit. recomand! allshallfall allshallfall
Angel12 Angel12 07/04/13 Am facut impreuna un schimb, un om serios. Recomand avatar2100 avatar2100
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