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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
ulfhednar ulfhednar 06/19/13 Totul a decurs excelent.recomand! florerusu florerusu
evlk4 evlk4 06/19/13 vanzator foarte serios,recomand baxter baxter
comanel comanel 06/19/13 super ok dl. comanel \m/_ dorean dorean
dorean dorean 06/19/13 Recomand pentru seriozitate comanel comanel
Solarograma Solarograma 06/19/13 Om serios si de incredere, nimic de comentat! :D Hyper10n Hyper10n
Hyper10n Hyper10n 06/19/13 vanzator super ok. tranzactie fara probleme. Solarograma Solarograma
kistrui kistrui 06/18/13 Baiat super! Recomand! the n0x the n0x
MasterKilla MasterKilla 06/18/13 om de incredere, recomand tuturor. arbitr_stefi arbitr_stefi
Wagner Tamas Wagner Tamas 06/18/13 Om serios ! Recomand ! :) Claudiu Ibanez Claudiu Ibanez
moises moises 06/18/13 calumea ca intotdeauna Razvan S. Razvan S.
wwjd wwjd 06/18/13 Am luat MXR Custom Comp. Sunt multumit de tot. xbogx xbogx
adi1334 adi1334 06/18/13 De incredere si hotarat. Recomand cu incredere! Ady72s Ady72s
moises moises 06/17/13 schimb reusit...om de treaba, recomand!!! popcorn popcorn
Ady72s Ady72s 06/17/13 totul OK adi1334 adi1334
Pierre Pierre 06/17/13 Vanzator serios, foarte de treaba. nashoo nashoo
nashoo nashoo 06/17/13 Tot a fost in regula. Recomand. Pierre Pierre
Akordnaci Akordnaci 06/17/13 tranzactia s-a realizat cu succes! stefandaniel stefandaniel
mariusteicu mariusteicu 06/17/13 Tranzactie rapida, om de incredere Pierre Pierre
Crypto Crypto 06/17/13 Vanzator de incredere!!!! Procesorul este in stare perfecta!!! CosminStefan CosminStefan
Wagner Tamas Wagner Tamas 06/17/13 Tranzactie ca la carte! A+++ radu.popescu radu.popescu
Pierre Pierre 06/17/13 Super serios ca de obicei.recomand mariusteicu mariusteicu
radu.popescu radu.popescu 06/17/13 Om serios, recomand! Wagner Tamas Wagner Tamas
cedrik cedrik 06/17/13 Om serios, de incredere. Recomand. softman softman
Alex_Strat69 Alex_Strat69 06/16/13 Alex rules, like always...! radu.popescu radu.popescu
stefandaniel stefandaniel 06/16/13 Produs conform descrierii, om serios, va recomand cu incredere Akordnaci Akordnaci
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