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Razvan S. Razvan S. 06/26/13 Om serios recomand telecaster 1 telecaster 1
the outsider the outsider 06/26/13 fara nici o problema. recomand cu caldura Mihai Souca Mihai Souca
telecaster 1 telecaster 1 06/26/13 super calumea, scula US made la pret incredibil Razvan S. Razvan S.
Mihai Souca Mihai Souca 06/26/13 Recomand cu incredere,om serios. :D the outsider the outsider
baxter baxter 06/25/13 Persoana de incredere! Prompt! Recomand cu caldura! loris loris
loris loris 06/25/13 tranzactie ok,coleg de calitate baxter baxter
HummingBird HummingBird 06/24/13 de incredere, you get what you pay for gabriel4 gabriel4
gabriel4 gabriel4 06/23/13 serios si punctual! HummingBird HummingBird
xbogx xbogx 06/22/13 Cumparator serios. Recomand wwjd wwjd
johann johann 06/22/13 serios si promt! sorin65 sorin65
sorin65 sorin65 06/22/13 Foarte serios! johann johann
A-1 A-1 06/21/13 vanzator foarte serios,recomand baxter baxter
baxter baxter 06/21/13 Om serios, tranzactie perfecta! Recomand! radu.popescu radu.popescu
Angi Ionescu Angi Ionescu 06/21/13 Cumparator serios. Recomand cu incredere! Radoo Radoo
radu.popescu radu.popescu 06/21/13 vanzator foarte serios,recomand baxter baxter
Razvan S. Razvan S. 06/20/13 brici, ca de obicei:) "cu steluta"! moises moises
florerusu florerusu 06/20/13 Scula este ok, vanzator fain. Merci. ohamoha ohamoha
HummingBird HummingBird 06/20/13 Om de incredere , recomand tuturor! arbitr_stefi arbitr_stefi
Radoo Radoo 06/20/13 Livrare rapida, ambalat corescunzator. Recomand. Angi Ionescu Angi Ionescu
arbitr_stefi arbitr_stefi 06/19/13 Om serios, recomand MasterKilla MasterKilla
arbitr_stefi arbitr_stefi 06/19/13 Zis si facut. Serios HummingBird HummingBird
CosminStefan CosminStefan 06/19/13 baiat serios Crypto Crypto
the n0x the n0x 06/19/13 baiat fain, comunicativ, schimb fara probleme. recomand. kistrui kistrui
Claudiu Ibanez Claudiu Ibanez 06/19/13 Tranzactia a decurs fara probleme, recomand! Wagner Tamas Wagner Tamas
florerusu florerusu 06/19/13 Foarte serios si de incredere. ulfhednar ulfhednar
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