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A-1 last won the day on February 10 2022

A-1 had the most liked content!

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    Cluj Napoca

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  1. Gibson strikes again https://guitar.com/news/industry-news/gibson-sues-dean-guitars-trademark-infringement/?utm_source=hootsuite&utm_medium&utm_term&utm_content&utm_campaign&fbclid=IwAR2fl3WUX7FBGhvRlcGmSn0oT829sIVIcQXZVvDQ6nH84eB-c-fxkGb4AMI
  2. Wayne Charvel lost his workshop and home in the Camp Fire..... https://www.popularmechanics.com/about/a25137713/wayne-charvel-shop-destroyed-paradise-fire/?fbclid=IwAR1D5ymDiTh524UFWTATPlqZKHxy1bTRiNtnMJbPrI9wosJIsJYpEf9GT2E
  3. In tendintele actuale
  4. A-1

    Stoc Gibson - Wtf?

  5. De la Super Slinky ai si seturi de 7 ( 9-52) ?
  6. Dupa lupte seculare, iata ca minunatul Marshall si-a gasit un nou stapan, extrem de incantat de noua achizitie. Ii doresc mult succesc si sa se bubure de el asa cum am facut-o si eu aproape 20 de ani ! Se poate - in sfarsit - inchide . Multumesc.
  7. ^ Amp-ul se vinde acum la 600 euro -> pret fix!!! Schimburi valabile: - 5150 III varianta mica (50w), eu platind diferenta cuvenita - Peavey 5150 Block Letter (an de fabricatie 1991-1992) - NEMODIFICAT!
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