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sorin the dab sorin the dab 06/16/13 Un coleg extraordinar! Colet ambalat ireprosabil, chitara in stare exceptionala. Alin Rosulescu Alin Rosulescu
softman softman 06/15/13 O tranzactie reusita, fara probleme de comunicare. Un om de incredere. cedrik cedrik
varu' maftei varu' maftei 06/15/13 Om super oke, tranzactie placuta. Recomand! Edmond Edmond
EugenRo2001 EugenRo2001 06/15/13 Domnul Eugen este un profesionist ce lucreaza exceptional! Apelati cu incredere! Marquess of Orange Marquess of Orange
garantwerke garantwerke 06/15/13 Pe scurt: Calitate, seriozitate, pret bun, punctualitate! Un om de nota 10! Marquess of Orange Marquess of Orange
The Joker The Joker 06/15/13 cumparator de incredere nymus nymus
PlayerUnk PlayerUnk 06/14/13 Vinzator serios!!! marfa impachetata super bine. popcorn popcorn
Wagner Tamas Wagner Tamas 06/14/13 Cumparator serios. Recomand cu incredere! Radoo Radoo
Septi Septi 06/14/13 Cumparator serios. Recomand cu incredere! Radoo Radoo
nymus nymus 06/14/13 vanzator de incredere The Joker The Joker
bentatiberiu bentatiberiu 06/14/13 Un om deosebit! Jos palaria! Recomand cu caldura! Ady72s Ady72s
Ady72s Ady72s 06/14/13 Om serios, tranzactie reusita, multumesc RGC. bentatiberiu bentatiberiu
wwjd wwjd 06/14/13 Persoana serioasa, de incredere. Tranzactia a fost o reusita. Recomand Elgar Trendthor Elgar Trendthor
Geo.C Geo.C 06/14/13 Cumparator serios, tranzactia a mers fara probleme, recomand cu incredere. Wagner Tamas Wagner Tamas
Wagner Tamas Wagner Tamas 06/14/13 Om serios, il recomand :) Geo.C Geo.C
Wagner Tamas Wagner Tamas 06/14/13 Super bass!!! Geo.C Geo.C
swiftkeys swiftkeys 06/14/13 Totul a fost in regula. Merci ohamoha ohamoha
giugiuka giugiuka 06/13/13 omul este de incredere. recomand. theacousticmaster theacousticmaster
Septi Septi 06/13/13 Un gest foarte frumos din partea unui om deosebit! Multumesc mult! gigimarga gigimarga
Blanosu Blanosu 06/13/13 User serios, punctual. recomand! russdodo russdodo
russdodo russdodo 06/13/13 Tranzactia perfecta!Recomand cu incredere! Blanosu Blanosu
sam sam 06/13/13 Serios, amabil, inteligent. Recomand onishorium onishorium
evlk4 evlk4 06/13/13 excelent Octavian Bezzeg Octavian Bezzeg
Alin Rosulescu Alin Rosulescu 06/12/13 Persoana intelegatoare si cu bun simt..Recomand cu incredere ! rockfeller rockfeller
rockfeller rockfeller 06/12/13 Coleg foarte serios. Recomand 100% Alin Rosulescu Alin Rosulescu
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