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GuitarMan05 GuitarMan05 11/20/13 Persoana de incredere si comunicativa, recomand cu placere. Septi Septi
blaser blaser 11/20/13 totul a mers foarte OK, recomand. adi1334 adi1334
George George 11/20/13 smooth, totul a mers f. OK, recomand adi1334 adi1334
adi1334 adi1334 11/20/13 Persoana serioasa-recomand blaser blaser
Mut Antu Mut Antu 11/20/13 tranzactie reusita,om serios mxr mxr
ggg ggg 11/20/13 coleg onest, comunicativ, punctual. recomand. whisky whisky
AB_Guitar AB_Guitar 11/20/13 Experiențã pozitivã polonic polonic
Shadowfaxster Shadowfaxster 11/20/13 De incredere. Recomand! softman softman
CATY CATY 11/20/13 Produs corespunzator descrierii. Vanzator serios, recomand. mammoth_mark mammoth_mark
Razvan S. Razvan S. 11/20/13 Totul a decurs ok, ca de obicei moises moises
Solarograma Solarograma 11/19/13 super tranzactie! Neuro Neuro
Neuro Neuro 11/19/13 om serios si super prompt!recomand! Solarograma Solarograma
'mnezău 'mnezău 11/19/13 foarte serios. tranzactie reusita. obiectul cumparat a fost intocmai descrierii. mariuspop78 mariuspop78
Cursedone Cursedone 11/18/13 User serios, tranzacția a decurs rapid și fãrã probleme. Daiabitiz Uyup Zwurp Daiabitiz Uyup Zwurp
Guest Guest 11/18/13 Super om ,super scula.recomand mariusteicu mariusteicu
xalexcos xalexcos 11/18/13 Un om de nota 10! Foarte multumit. old_progressive old_progressive
moises moises 11/18/13 User serios ca intotdeauna. A stiut exact ce a dorit ++++ Razvan S. Razvan S.
wyky wyky 11/18/13 Foarte serios... produsul ambalat foarte bine... Recomand !! TrifuS TrifuS
gibsonman gibsonman 11/18/13 vanzator super serios, meserias si mega de treaba! Marquess of Orange Marquess of Orange
Shimmy Shimmy 11/18/13 om super serios, aparatura excelenta, recomand wrk wrk
Guest Guest 11/18/13 deal fain.user serios.recomand! Solarograma Solarograma
Rothmans Rothmans 11/18/13 user super serios.recomand! Solarograma Solarograma
damageplan damageplan 11/18/13 punctual si serios bradpinn bradpinn
gigimarga gigimarga 11/17/13 De incredere si serios . Recomand! andreyush01 andreyush01
decebal popescu decebal popescu 11/17/13 cumparator serios, recomand cu incredere. stefandaniel stefandaniel
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