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gombotz gombotz 10/22/15 Om serios. Recomand. Mihai Dănciulescu Mihai Dănciulescu
Razvan S. Razvan S. 10/22/15 Promt si corect ca de fiecare data. myke37 myke37
Mihai Dănciulescu Mihai Dănciulescu 10/22/15 Om serios. Recomand cu incredere. 10* gombotz gombotz
klauss^^^ klauss^^^ 10/21/15 brici. tip de treaba, chitara in stare buna. lumea imi spune iosif lumea imi spune iosif
radu.popescu radu.popescu 10/21/15 Scule high end, experienta si corectitudine pe masura. Fratili meu negru ! finics finics
marcovici marcovici 10/21/15 Totul a decurs cum s-a discutat. Cumparator serios Mihai Dănciulescu Mihai Dănciulescu
finics finics 10/21/15 Cel mai tare BOIER de pe RGC!! Respect. radu.popescu radu.popescu
Blackthorn Blackthorn 10/21/15 Un om super!!!! Hyper10n Hyper10n
freelancer freelancer 10/21/15 Precis si rapid, o placere!!! radu.popescu radu.popescu
hothead hothead 10/20/15 F. bine! Rapid si fara probleme! A+ guitarhead guitarhead
guitarhead guitarhead 10/20/15 Coleg serios, recomand. hothead hothead
Taseh Taseh 10/20/15 Recomand! Comunicare foare faina, om serios... adore adore
sro sro 10/20/15 Perfect! parocock parocock
parocock parocock 10/20/15 Recomand. Respect! sro sro
selmer selmer 10/20/15 Totul ok, recomand. hothead hothead
selmer selmer 10/20/15 Serios ca de obicei. hothead hothead
hothead hothead 10/20/15 Toata stima si respectul! selmer selmer
hothead hothead 10/20/15 Mai rar intalnesti asa coleg! selmer selmer
StevieKing StevieKing 10/20/15 Om serios, recomand Mr.Fritz Mr.Fritz
winci winci 10/20/15 Serios, punctual, comunicare excelenta. Recomand! sam sam
sam sam 10/20/15 De incredere, punctual si serios. Recomand! winci winci
Guest Guest 10/19/15 Super cool :)) avatar2100 avatar2100
winci winci 10/19/15 :) Igot Igot
boc boc 10/19/15 Om foarte serios, comunicare foarte buna. Mr. Blues Mr. Blues
Mr. Blues Mr. Blues 10/19/15 Recomand! Comunicare excelenta! boc boc
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