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leibanez leibanez 10/07/15 Un om foarte serios, vanzator de incredere, si produs is stare exceptionala :) sleepdownloader sleepdownloader
eugens eugens 10/07/15 comunicare excelenta, cumparator serios, recomand Airhead Airhead
Airhead Airhead 10/07/15 Vinzator foarte serios.Recomand cu caldura. eugens eugens
MetalNoir MetalNoir 10/07/15 Persoana serioasa, recomand. avatar2100 avatar2100
adore adore 10/06/15 Colaborare impecabila. Recomand! ZCT ZCT
b.sharp b.sharp 10/06/15 un om deosebit,recomand cu cea mai mare placere! claudiu68 claudiu68
ZCT ZCT 10/06/15 Serios si punctual, recomand! adore adore
avatar2100 avatar2100 10/06/15 Killer sound. It`s a beast! \m/ Merci mult de tot!!! MetalNoir MetalNoir
eddy68ro eddy68ro 10/06/15 de incredere,totu ok Blacklight Blacklight
arbitr_stefi arbitr_stefi 10/06/15 Vanzator serios, produs pregatit de proba inainte de cumparare koltzu koltzu
tudoranu tudoranu 10/06/15 Nota 10* Cooperant!! Recomand!!! gombotz gombotz
gombotz gombotz 10/06/15 tranzactie foarte ok, multumesc! tudoranu tudoranu
eddy68ro eddy68ro 10/05/15 un coleg de nota 10+ ! Recomand cu onestitate ! Crypto Crypto
Crypto Crypto 10/05/15 Serios ca intotdeauna ! Recomand ! eddy68ro eddy68ro
Blacklight Blacklight 10/05/15 Afacere reusita ! Recomand ! eddy68ro eddy68ro
hothead hothead 10/05/15 Recomand! A+++ selmer selmer
selmer selmer 10/05/15 Coleg serios si de treaba, recomand! hothead hothead
mc.chiken mc.chiken 10/05/15 user de incredere tanzactia a decurs fara probleme dakiboy dakiboy
dakiboy dakiboy 10/05/15 totul ok. user de incredere barbarossa barbarossa
Razvan S. Razvan S. 10/04/15 Foarte serios, hotarat, comunicare f. buna.Recomand fara rezerve ! DREAMVISION DREAMVISION
dakiboy dakiboy 10/03/15 Om de incredere. mc.chiken mc.chiken
DREAMVISION DREAMVISION 10/03/15 Un om de exceptie, recomand fara probleme. De incredere!+++ Razvan S. Razvan S.
eugens eugens 10/03/15 Cumparator serios! recomand cu incredere! gherasim tani gherasim tani
stefangler stefangler 10/03/15 Om de cuvant! .. recomand cu caldura! gherasim tani gherasim tani
mc.chiken mc.chiken 10/03/15 user de incredere tanzactia a decurs fara probleme dakiboy dakiboy
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