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Razvan S. Razvan S. 10/12/15 cumparat pedala - foarte priceput si serios. recomand! hipjim hipjim
Razvan S. Razvan S. 10/12/15 Business run smoothly! recomand! hipjim hipjim
hipjim hipjim 10/12/15 User calumea, a dat avans pentru setupul chitarei. Recomand! Razvan S. Razvan S.
hipjim hipjim 10/12/15 Om serios, sper sa mai colaboram. A platit in avans pedala! Razvan S. Razvan S.
myke37 myke37 10/11/15 Coleg serios si hotarat. Recomand cu placere. Ponticus Ponticus
andy4297 andy4297 10/10/15 Baiat de treaba, recomand cu drag!! gherasim tani gherasim tani
gherasim tani gherasim tani 10/10/15 User serios, tranzactie rapida, recomand! andy4297 andy4297
finics finics 10/10/15 super persoana,recomand! andypandagear andypandagear
andypandagear andypandagear 10/10/15 Persoana de incredere. Recomand ! finics finics
luccio2008 luccio2008 10/10/15 Un om deosebit. Apelati cu incredere ! finics finics
Ponticus Ponticus 10/10/15 Om de cuvant, recomand cu incredere. myke37 myke37
ammons ammons 10/09/15 Parolist si punctual. Tranzactia a decurs conform planificarilor. Recomand! mammoth_mark mammoth_mark
chrom_dioxid chrom_dioxid 10/09/15 Serios, prompt, recomand ! Hutanu.Bogdan.Alexandru Hutanu.Bogdan.Alexandru
Paul Fagadar Paul Fagadar 10/09/15 Om serios, zis si facut, RECOMAND! arbitr_stefi arbitr_stefi
mammoth_mark mammoth_mark 10/09/15 extraordinar de serios, amabil si politicos. o placere. 110% ammons ammons
Brother Cane Brother Cane 10/09/15 intotdeauna o placere ! Airhead Airhead
Airhead Airhead 10/09/15 mai pot spune ceva ? simplu: No.1 rgc member !!!! Brother Cane Brother Cane
tamtam tamtam 10/09/15 serios si de incredere boc boc
demiicaros demiicaros 10/09/15 de incredere ! boc boc
arbitr_stefi arbitr_stefi 10/08/15 Recomand, coleg foarte serios. Paul Fagadar Paul Fagadar
boc boc 10/08/15 User serios si de incredere! demiicaros demiicaros
Nicu Barbieru Nicu Barbieru 10/08/15 Persoana serioasa si de incredere.Recomand. cornel somesan cornel somesan
cornel somesan cornel somesan 10/08/15 Foarte serios si bun comunicator ! Tranzactie corecta si sigura ! Nicu Barbieru Nicu Barbieru
ZCT ZCT 10/08/15 Cumpărător de cuvânt! mariuspop78 mariuspop78
mariuspop78 mariuspop78 10/07/15 Colaborare excelenta. Recomand. ZCT ZCT
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