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myke37 myke37 09/18/15 Un tip serios, de incredere. Recomand cu caldura. tele9 tele9
winci winci 09/17/15 om serios ,de incredere si de cuvant , recomand cu placere giugiuka giugiuka
sam sam 09/17/15 Foarte serios! Dan Petric Dan Petric
deke2008 deke2008 09/17/15 Persoana serioasa,responsabila,recomand! cobra cobra
Airhead Airhead 09/17/15 Recomand! Multumesc si de intelegere! 99benjamin 99benjamin
99benjamin 99benjamin 09/17/15 Piele si lucrătura excelenta, pret ok, recomand Airhead Airhead
jesmusix jesmusix 09/17/15 client serios, de incredere, recomand ! Hutanu.Bogdan.Alexandru Hutanu.Bogdan.Alexandru
tele9 tele9 09/17/15 Baiat excelent, un deal super rapid! myke37 myke37
zolik7 zolik7 09/16/15 Vanzator serios winkytct winkytct
paul13 paul13 09/16/15 User serios! Recomand! Alin N Alin N
Hutanu.Bogdan.Alexandru Hutanu.Bogdan.Alexandru 09/16/15 serios,de incredere,recomand jesmusix jesmusix
paul lazy paul lazy 09/16/15 Serios, promt, recomand! winci winci
Jimmy Slang Jimmy Slang 09/15/15 Good guy! guitarmaniak guitarmaniak
Silviu_i Silviu_i 09/15/15 Cumparator serios cu gusturi fine; recomand Fenderaru Fenderaru
avatar2100 avatar2100 09/15/15 Promptitudine si profesionalism. Laszlo Zsolt Laszlo Zsolt
Dan Petric Dan Petric 09/15/15 foarte serios! a.pavelbogdan a.pavelbogdan
zonek zonek 09/15/15 Serios. Punctual. Produsul imecabil. Recomand cu incredere! dragosd dragosd
Fenderaru Fenderaru 09/15/15 Om de nota 11. Marfa de calitate. Recomand! :) Silviu_i Silviu_i
Paul Fagadar Paul Fagadar 09/15/15 Om serios, zis si facut, RECOMAND! arbitr_stefi arbitr_stefi
a.pavelbogdan a.pavelbogdan 09/15/15 Cumparator serios. Am trimis pedala si mi-a platit ulterior in cont! Dan Petric Dan Petric
gibsonman gibsonman 09/15/15 De incredere, recomand! JohnMetal JohnMetal
giugiuka giugiuka 09/14/15 Om serios, parolist, tranzactie super OK. Recomand! winci winci
vanzar vanzar 09/14/15 Produsul a fost conform descrierii. Firma serioasa. Christian Cort Christian Cort
Akordnaci Akordnaci 09/14/15 Prompt si serios ! sweetheartofarose sweetheartofarose
Angel12 Angel12 09/14/15 Serios, totul a decurs cum trebuie. varu' maftei varu' maftei
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