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teckus teckus 05/28/16 Baiat serios! Produs impecabil necu' necu'
necu' necu' 05/28/16 Tranzactie desfasurata fara probleme, om serios, recomand! teckus teckus
Blackthorn Blackthorn 05/27/16 User serios! jonathan_cl jonathan_cl
myke37 myke37 05/26/16 Serios, buna comunicare, recomand catalit catalit
Vladympv Vladympv 05/26/16 totul ok millu2m millu2m
myke37 myke37 05/26/16 Comunicare buna si om de cuvant!! Hyper10n Hyper10n
millu2m millu2m 05/26/16 totul OK Vladympv Vladympv
catalit catalit 05/26/16 Serios, comunicativ, recomand. myke37 myke37
cotrusvlad cotrusvlad 05/25/16 Serios, de incredere.. RECOMAND ! TrifuS TrifuS
TrifuS TrifuS 05/25/16 Super baiat! recomand! cotrusvlad cotrusvlad
manuc manuc 05/25/16 Rapid, ambalat corespunzator. Recomand! icandrei icandrei
icandrei icandrei 05/25/16 de incredere,recomand! manuc manuc
damageplan damageplan 05/25/16 De incredere, recomand! Negru Negru
Hyper10n Hyper10n 05/25/16 Baiat super de treaba, dealul a decurs usor. myke37 myke37
Bguitar Bguitar 05/25/16 Coleg de incredere, recomand ! finics finics
finics finics 05/25/16 User serios! Recomand! Bguitar Bguitar
Radu Burcea Radu Burcea 05/24/16 comunicare clara , eficienta maxima mojazz1969 mojazz1969
mojazz1969 mojazz1969 05/24/16 Vanzator serios, foarte de treaba! Radu Burcea Radu Burcea
Frîncu Bogdan Frîncu Bogdan 05/24/16 superb. f multumit d produs. bestial. si stare buna. si omul e d incredere. ms bjoel bjoel
bjoel bjoel 05/24/16 Om serios si de incredere ,recomand! Frîncu Bogdan Frîncu Bogdan
Negru Negru 05/24/16 Recomand, om serios. damageplan damageplan
loris loris 05/24/16 Comunicare foarte buna , baiat deschis , placut , recomand cu placere daniloi08 daniloi08
alex_iuga alex_iuga 05/23/16 Serios! Tranzactia a decurs cum am stabilit..Respect.. Andu Dementu Andu Dementu
Andu Dementu Andu Dementu 05/23/16 Om serios, recomand! alex_iuga alex_iuga
sorin the dab sorin the dab 05/23/16 om de incredere, recomand! arbitr_stefi arbitr_stefi
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