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Blackthorn Blackthorn 05/05/16 Tranzactie fara probleme, marfa fara nici o zgarietura, in stare excelenta!! szeki szeki
Dead Architect Dead Architect 05/05/16 Om de incredere, recomand !!! winci winci
winci winci 05/05/16 De increde. Recomand! Dead Architect Dead Architect
avatar2100 avatar2100 05/04/16 Doar scule profi! Recomand! millu2m millu2m
moises moises 05/04/16 Foarte de treaba si foarte serios, recomand cu incredere Blackthorn Blackthorn
winci winci 05/04/16 Cumparator foarte serios, recomand Blackthorn Blackthorn
Blackthorn Blackthorn 05/04/16 Prompt, de incredere, recomad! winci winci
Blackthorn Blackthorn 05/04/16 5 stele plus. O placere din toate punctele de vedere! moises moises
Codrin Balan Codrin Balan 05/04/16 Om de cuvant, a ridicat imediat pachetul. Recomand! Christian Cort Christian Cort
Razvan S. Razvan S. 05/04/16 Foarte de treaba si serios. Cu siguranta revin! Multumesc kaja kaja
Christian Cort Christian Cort 05/04/16 Produs conform descrierii. Vanzator serios! Codrin Balan Codrin Balan
calin_grigoriu calin_grigoriu 05/04/16 totul ok ! varu' maftei varu' maftei
ebh ebh 05/04/16 Om serios, am primit avans total. Azi pleaca coletul! Mersi Razvan S. Razvan S.
Dead Architect Dead Architect 05/03/16 Totul a decurs perfect. Cumparator de cuvant. Recomand! Jiganie Jiganie
Jiganie Jiganie 05/03/16 Foarte de treaba si de incredere. Produsul exact ca in descriere si poze. Dead Architect Dead Architect
Balaurul Balaurul 05/03/16 Civilizat, parolist. Recomand! avatar2100 avatar2100
millu2m millu2m 05/03/16 Civilizat, parolist. Recomand! avatar2100 avatar2100
Razvan S. Razvan S. 05/03/16 Multumesc mult Razvan, cu siguranta voi apela din nou la tine cu proxima ocazie. Red Cavity Records Red Cavity Records
alex_iuga alex_iuga 05/03/16 Baiat de incredere si prompt. Recomand! Shreder_DT Shreder_DT
szeki szeki 05/03/16 tranzactie excelenta de fiecare data ! Crypto Crypto
Red Cavity Records Red Cavity Records 05/03/16 Om serios! A platit in avans pentru piezo preamp-ul custom! Recomand+++ Razvan S. Razvan S.
Crypto Crypto 05/03/16 Tranzactie fara probleme! Comunicare excelenta! szeki szeki
Razvan S. Razvan S. 05/03/16 Treaba buna, ca de fiecare data! Adinel Berehorschi Adinel Berehorschi
Razvan S. Razvan S. 05/03/16 Mi-a tinut amp-ul deoparte luni bune. Un om excelent! :) Adinel Berehorschi Adinel Berehorschi
YUKU YUKU 05/03/16 A platit in avans pentru Suhr Riot clone,ca si la prima pedala facuta!Recomand++ Razvan S. Razvan S.
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