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AnalogSound last won the day on July 19 2023

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  1. K&C Dual Buffer - un buffer dual de chitara. Se poate alege ce buffer sa fie activ - fie K fie C
  2. K & C dual buffer. O mica pedala ce contine doua model de buffer ce se pot alege cu ajutorul unui switch.
  3. The Black Hand boost
  4. Aplicatia la momentul actual ruleaza doar pe Windows - pe web nu cred ca are cum sa functioneze deoarece are nevoie sa acceseze portul Serial pe care il creaza interfata de configurare - deci web din cate stiu este exclus. Pe Linux nu este dezvoltata inca dar cred ca in WINE poate sa functioneze insa NU este testata.
  5. Un proiect la care lucrez de ceva vreme. O placa universala si extrem de configurabila (cred ca acopera cam toate scenariile posibile) - sper ca nu va deranjeaza descrierea in engleza dar nu mai am puterea sa o fac si in romana Technical specifications: - 8 inputs for switches - 8 outputs that can supply up to 150mA (each) - can accept DC or AC as supply voltage (between 6V and 12V DC or AC) - MIDI IN / OUT / THROUGH (buffered) - Mute output port for MUTE before switch - Optional LCD output - 8 status outputs (can supply LEDs for example) Configuration specifications: - For each MIDI PC message can be assigned a combination of active outputs (relays) - For each of the 8 INPUTS can be assigned a combination of active outputs (relays) - For each of the 8 INPUTS a maximum of 16 characters name can be assigned (visible on the optional LCD) - For each of the 8 OUTPUTS can be assigned a MIDI CC number (CC value grater than 0 would activate the output / a CC with a value of 0 would deactivate the output) - Configurable pre-mute delay and mute delay (each with its own values) - MIDI channel can be freely configured - For each of the 8 inputs a MIDI PC message can be assigned to be sent when the input is activated also, a different channel can be assigned for the MIDI PC messages sent by the foot-switches - In case of not using the MIDI PC send feature, this can be deactivated - Each of the 8 OUTPUTS can be configured pe be a momentary latch with a custom time between 0 and 255ms (1/4 of a sec) Utility specifications: - The ability to erase the board via GUI and reset it to factory defaults - The ability to save the current configuration of the board - The ability to restore the saved configuration of the board (for example in case that many boards needs to be configured with the same features) - Firmware update section - for updating the running firmware of the board or to upload custom firmware (available by request) All the configuration features are available via a computer GUI (compatible with Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 10 / 64 and 32 bits) Package will be delivered with the control board, programming interface and instructions to download the GUI programming application.
  6. Aproape gata cu cele 20 de carcase... etichetele sunt din alama gravata.
  7. Hai sa frezam niste cutii pentru noul preamp
  8. O serie scurta de boosturi cu Germaniu (Mullard 1974) - numai 5 unitati
  9. In cazul unui repetor pe catod este o practica foarte buna indiferent de tub, ca filamentul sa fie adus la acelasi potential sau la un potential care sa garanteze ca intre F si K nu exista o diferenta mai mare de 100V altfel tubul o sa se duca. Pentru teste poti sa sari peste acest pas...dar in viata reala ... cam este necesara.
  10. Ehhh nu are rost, este OK stai linistit
  11. Facem facem, cum sa nu facem
  12. Sa mai si muncim ...
  13. Ca sa mearga treba mai repede cu prelucrarea cutiilor.
  14. From Zero to Hero. Proiectare in KiCAD / FlatCAM pentru transformare in GCODE si frezare CNC - mult mai curat si mai precis decat corodarea.
  15. O noua pedala ce va fi disponibila: este vorba de un buffer dual (se poate alege intre un buffer de tip K sau un buffer de tip C) si cam asta o sa fie forma finala.
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