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szeki last won the day on November 28 2023

szeki had the most liked content!

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  • Location
    Tg. Secuiesc

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    Gibson Les Paul Studio 1997
    Hughes&Kettner Grand Meister 36
    Engle E 212 Vintage

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  1. Nincs mar meg.
  2. Da.
  3. Al doilea sa vandut, mai ramane prima.
  4. Se vinde chitara clasica Ortega din seria Family. Este de dimensiunea 3/4, cu gat mai ingust si gama mai scurta, ideala pentru copii. Cu corp laminat din placaj de molid sau cedru, spate și laterale din mahon laminat, un gât din mahon masiv si tastiera din nuc. Vine impreuna cu husa dedicata.
  5. A ramas doar Seymour Duncan SM-1, bridge, minihumbucker - 300 Ron
  6. Vand ampul din titlu. A fost cumparat anul trecut, incercat o data, cand a ajuns, necantata de atunci. Nu l-am mai folosit si sta degeaba. Pretul transportului este platit de cumparator.
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  7. Vand un Gibson Les Paul Studio, culoarea Faded Cherry, din 2011. Are doze Gibson zebra, 490T si 500T. Au fost schimbate: cheitele cu unele GraphTech PRL (https://www.thomann.de/ro/graph_tech_prl_8341_b0.htm), sadle-urile din bridge cu GraphTech PS (https://www.thomann.de/ro/graph_tech_ps_8501_00.htm), nut din os. Vine impreuna cu case Gator GTSA (https://www.thomann.de/ro/gator_gtsa_sc_dc.htm). Pretul este fix, plata transportului este suportat de catre cumparator.
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  8. Vand un pickguard pre-wired cu doze Fender SCN (Samarium Cobalt Noisless). The Samarium Cobalt Noiseless (SCN) series was a subsequent line of stacked electric guitar and bass pickups; these were designed by Bill Lawrence with the goal of further reducing noise while improving the "single coil" tone of the pickup[15] and were fine tuned by Fender.[16] Introduced in 2004, they were similar to the Vintage Noiseless pickups, but Lawrence's research into controlling magnetic eddy currents led him to employ miniaturized samarium cobalt alloy magnets instead of Alnico V. Samarium cobalt is a rare earth magnet that is more powerful than the Alnico V magnets traditionally used in pickup design. The SCN pickups were a standard equipment feature on the American Deluxe series Stratocaster from 2004 to 2010, and were available for the Telecaster and Jazz Bass, but are no longer manufactured by Fender. The earliest Stratocaster SCN pickups had no external marking; later models had the SCN logo lightly stamped on the bottom right corner of the pickup covers, but the letters were not colored, making them hard to discern.[17] The covers were available in white, black, aged white and parchment, but the Tele sets were offered in black and chrome only. SCN features include: Noise-free design Traditional and samarium cobalt magnetic material Wider, softer magnetic field Neck - L: 2.4H, DC resistance: 6.5kΩ Middle - L: 2.4H, DC resistance: 6.5kΩ Bridge - L: 3.8H, DC resistance: 11.5kΩ
  9. Vind urmatoarele doze: - Seymour Duncan SM-1, bridge, minihumbucker - 300 Ron - Seymour Duncan APS-1M - 250 Ron. - Seymour Dunvcan APS-1N - 250 Ron
  10. Vand un corp, model Stratocaster, nefinisat, cu toate gaurile facute pentru montarea accesoriilor.
  11. Vand un grif Fender??? Stratocaster. Nu stiu nimic de el, am ajuns in posesia lui in urma unui schimb efectuat in afara rgc.ro. Dupa cum arata pozitia decalului cu nr. serie si cu cele doua string retaineruri se pare ca nu este originala, cu toate ca calitatea lui este foarte buna. Are niste cheite Fender originale pe el, dar probabil au fost si alte cheite montate, se pot observa gaurile. Pretul cerut este de 450 ron.
  12. Vand doua bucati bridge Stratocaster, impreuna cu toate accesoriile. 50 RON/buc.
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