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PETRUTZKI PETRUTZKI 07/07/16 cumparator de incredere barbarossa barbarossa
Jimmy67 Jimmy67 07/06/16 Tranzactie rapida si fara nici un fel de probleme. Recomand! tr3ispe tr3ispe
Paul Fagadar Paul Fagadar 07/04/16 Serios. Prompt. Comunicare ok. Recomand cereal cereal
cobra cobra 07/04/16 Super :),recomand. the outsider the outsider
cereal cereal 07/04/16 Coleg serios!Recomand Paul Fagadar Paul Fagadar
danpopp danpopp 07/04/16 Om super de treaba cu scule de top. Recomand! W4rlnlk W4rlnlk
arbitr_stefi arbitr_stefi 07/04/16 bun partener de tranzactii chitaristice. recomand . boondak boondak
boondak boondak 07/02/16 om de incredere, recomand! arbitr_stefi arbitr_stefi
cobra cobra 07/02/16 Vanzator de incredere. Recomand! andreidanescu andreidanescu
Airhead Airhead 07/01/16 A fost o placere! O experienta placuta, recomand cu incredere! Seller Seller
dakiboy dakiboy 07/01/16 Cumparator prompt! Recomand! Christian Cort Christian Cort
Christian Cort Christian Cort 07/01/16 user de incredere tranzactia a decurs fara probleme recomand dakiboy dakiboy
Seller Seller 07/01/16 persoana deosebita, o placere sa faci afaceri cu asemenea oameni Airhead Airhead
PETRUTZKI PETRUTZKI 07/01/16 Civilizat, parolist. avatar2100 avatar2100
adi1334 adi1334 06/30/16 A platit inainte pt efectul Black Forest OD. Om serios! Razvan S. Razvan S.
Razvan S. Razvan S. 06/30/16 as seen on tv! adi1334 adi1334
gabi21 gabi21 06/30/16 Vanzator serios, comunicare foarte buna, recomand cu caldura! meOpi meOpi
Szasz Csaba Szasz Csaba 06/30/16 Rapid, ambalat corespunzator. Recomand! icandrei icandrei
avatar2100 avatar2100 06/30/16 de incredere , am cumparat de mai multe ori , o data mi-a dat si apa (sete mare) PETRUTZKI PETRUTZKI
winci winci 06/30/16 Smooth sweetheartofarose sweetheartofarose
andypandagear andypandagear 06/30/16 Cumparator serios, recomand Blackthorn Blackthorn
Blackthorn Blackthorn 06/29/16 super,ca de obicei! andypandagear andypandagear
tr3ispe tr3ispe 06/29/16 Un om serios, promt si foarte corect, recomand cu incredere. Jimmy67 Jimmy67
antikue antikue 06/28/16 Good man, a pleasure to work with him! prophet prophet
sweetheartofarose sweetheartofarose 06/28/16 De incredere, recomand! winci winci
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