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GuitarMan93 GuitarMan93 02/26/15 tranzactie impecabila parocock parocock
mxr mxr 02/26/15 Vanzator foarte serios,om de cuvant...recomand! Gubesz Gubesz
mammoth_mark mammoth_mark 02/26/15 Vanzator foarte serios, iar obiectul corespunde celor spuse! Andrei Lp fan Andrei Lp fan
Dead Architect Dead Architect 02/26/15 Vânzător de încredere, produsul a corespuns descrierii, recomand 100%! A+++ deke2008 deke2008
zTeoz zTeoz 02/25/15 Vanzator serios si prompt. Recomand! chidoryngun chidoryngun
dan-blaga dan-blaga 02/25/15 totul a decurs bine Jiganie Jiganie
Andrei Lp fan Andrei Lp fan 02/25/15 Coleg hotarat si parolist. Tranzactia a decurs conform planificarilor. mammoth_mark mammoth_mark
MaggotSk8 MaggotSk8 02/25/15 Vanzator prompt! KeopsAxx KeopsAxx
chidoryngun chidoryngun 02/25/15 Om de încredere recomand cu căldură! zTeoz zTeoz
deke2008 deke2008 02/25/15 Foarte ok totul. Persoana sincera si deschisa! Dead Architect Dead Architect
hemmy hemmy 02/25/15 Chitara de nota 10 si om de nota 10! SausageAssassin SausageAssassin
bgd bgd 02/25/15 Foarte amabil, comunicare excelenta, tranzactie rapida! ciobre ciobre
ciobre ciobre 02/25/15 de incredere, recomand bgd bgd
Adinel Berehorschi Adinel Berehorschi 02/24/15 Baiat serios, cu bun simt, recomand. myke37 myke37
mxr mxr 02/24/15 Om de incredere, prompt si amabil. Recomand! Wagner Tamas Wagner Tamas
myke37 myke37 02/24/15 Super serios! Recomand. Pedala este exact cum a fost descrisa Adinel Berehorschi Adinel Berehorschi
cotrusvlad cotrusvlad 02/24/15 Serios si foarte iute! Recomand!! Adinel Berehorschi Adinel Berehorschi
the outsider the outsider 02/24/15 a decurs totul ok, sunt multumit dakiboy dakiboy
Bbotty79 Bbotty79 02/23/15 Ok. De incredere! Neuro Neuro
cotrusvlad cotrusvlad 02/23/15 Recomand tipul! De incredere si nu vinde chinezarii! danihege danihege
selmer selmer 02/23/15 Civilizat si serios. A++++ aleku aleku
Adinel Berehorschi Adinel Berehorschi 02/23/15 Baiat serios,comunicare ok, recomand! cotrusvlad cotrusvlad
mxr mxr 02/23/15 Tranzactie reusita. Recomand. Tamas Kalman Tamas Kalman
the n0x the n0x 02/23/15 Serios. Recomand. bdeliriou5 bdeliriou5
Crypto Crypto 02/23/15 de incredere ! recomand >:D< Claudiu Ibanez Claudiu Ibanez
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