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Razvan S. Razvan S. 02/23/15 Nici un repros! Atent la detalii, lucreaza repede si bine, si livreaza la timp. Iosif Simon Iosif Simon
danihege danihege 02/23/15 Baiat super. Recomand cu incredere! cotrusvlad cotrusvlad
Crypto Crypto 02/23/15 Vanzator serios si de incredere. baresi79 baresi79
Iosif Simon Iosif Simon 02/23/15 A dat banii in avans integral pt efecte. Om serios! Razvan S. Razvan S.
avatar2100 avatar2100 02/22/15 Vanzator serios si corect. Recomand cu incredere Cosmin Iorga Cosmin Iorga
acidonthesea acidonthesea 02/22/15 Persoana de incredere...Recomand ! DDM DDM
aleku aleku 02/22/15 Serios si de incredere. Respectele mele. selmer selmer
radu.popescu radu.popescu 02/22/15 Om serios care stie ce vrea. Recomand! W4rlnlk W4rlnlk
Cosmin Iorga Cosmin Iorga 02/21/15 Persoana civilizata, cumparator parolist. Recomand avatar2100 avatar2100
W4rlnlk W4rlnlk 02/21/15 Rapid, correct, prompt si la obiect. Respect!!! radu.popescu radu.popescu
stefangler stefangler 02/21/15 Vanzator serios Wagner Tamas Wagner Tamas
fanelu28 fanelu28 02/21/15 om de incredere, recomand arbitr_stefi arbitr_stefi
alexx alexx 02/21/15 serios. de incredere. tranzactie rapida. Neuro Neuro
bdeliriou5 bdeliriou5 02/21/15 Fara probleme! Super om! the n0x the n0x
king_nothing king_nothing 02/20/15 Serios, punctual, bun simț, recomand 100%. A+++ deke2008 deke2008
deke2008 deke2008 02/20/15 Super om. Jos palaria! Recomand cu caldura si incredere king_nothing king_nothing
demiicaros demiicaros 02/20/15 perfect !!!!!!!!!! marcovici marcovici
marcovici marcovici 02/20/15 Om de nota 10! Recomand! demiicaros demiicaros
ggrrigson ggrrigson 02/20/15 Seriozitate si incredere ! acestea sunt cuvintele care descriu acest user stephanutz stephanutz
snickers snickers 02/20/15 Persoana civilizata, cumparator parolist. Recomand avatar2100 avatar2100
avatar2100 avatar2100 02/20/15 Persoana de incredere, nota 10! snickers snickers
king_nothing king_nothing 02/20/15 Super OK! Recomand 150%! ;) Christian F. Christian F.
cotrusvlad cotrusvlad 02/19/15 Un om foarte ok. Recomand Supersonic15 Supersonic15
Supersonic15 Supersonic15 02/19/15 Totul a decurs ok. un baiat de treaba. cotrusvlad cotrusvlad
bone_ash bone_ash 02/19/15 Cumparat, stare excelenta, recomand ca vanzator.. ... si fotograf. fantomxr fantomxr
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