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Sexul In Muzica, Tribute To Sex/coltul Chitaristilor Sexati


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Guest Radu White
Mie imi place sa fac sex. Cateodata. :)



super raspuns sto.


In alta ordine de idei, poti sa scrii o gramada de melodii depsre sex si care sa aiba succes, cum ar fi melodia Rocket Queen de la Guns N' Roses, sau My Michelle, de la aceiasi trupa. Depinde si de genul de muzica abordat. :lol::):lol::)

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In alta ordine de idei, poti sa scrii o gramada de melodii depsre sex si care sa aiba succes, cum ar fi melodia Rocket Queen de la Guns N' Roses, sau My Michelle, de la aceiasi trupa.


... sexy sexy stiu ca ma vrei, singura la mare, hard as a rock, mi-e frica sa dorm singurica...

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HOLLYWOOD - A 40-year-old sex tape featuring guitar great Jimi Hendrix has been unearthed by a rock memorabilia collector.


The unnamed collector has passed the saucy footage, which features a headbanded Hendrix frolicking with two brunettes, to the bosses of porn video giant Vivid Entertainment, who are set to release the film on DVD.


Vivid officials went to infamous rock groupie Cynthia Plaster Caster, who once set Jimi's penis in a plaster mold, to make sure that the guy in the sex film was the late rock icon.


She says, "No doubt about it... That's Jimi Hendrix's d**k, and I should know."


The groupie actually compares her Hendrix mold to the penis in the sex tape as part of the film.


Cynthia and another famous groupie, Pamela Des Barres provide commentary on the new DVD, Jimi Hendrix: The Sex Tape.


Vivid co-chairman Steven Hirsch is convinced the new film will be a hit: "This new movie shows that Jimi Hendrix could have been as great a porn star as he was a rock star. He could clearly play more than just his guitar."

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