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CiocanelBloodyCIocanel last won the day on July 16

CiocanelBloodyCIocanel had the most liked content!


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  • Gear
    2 maini
    9 degete
    1 slide
    1 tonebar
    landgraff bucuresti
    batoane fãgãraº

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CiocanelBloodyCIocanel's Achievements


Enthusiast (6/14)

  • Very Popular Rare
  • Reacting Well Rare
  • Dedicated Rare
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CiocanelBloodyCIocanel's Feedback

  1. Roberto2001 left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Diy Acoustic - Tamplarie
    Om serios! Am facut schimb de materiale pentru chitara; totul a decurs perfect.

    CiocanelBloodyCIocanel was Trading

  2. dani_rosu5 left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Diy Acoustic - Tamplarie
    Persoana super amabila si de incredere. Am comandat impreuna diverse materiale pt. lutierie si totul a decurs perfect!

    CiocanelBloodyCIocanel was The Seller

  3. claudiu68 left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Strat Scalloped Floyd China
    totul a decurs cat se poate de normal.nota 10

    CiocanelBloodyCIocanel was The Seller

  4. telecaster 1 left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Framus Classical Guitar (Built Inthe Heart Of Bavaria)
    Client serios ..

    CiocanelBloodyCIocanel was The Seller

  5. Victor left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Clasica Cg40, Resonator Si Altele
    user serios :)

    CiocanelBloodyCIocanel was The Seller

  6. James D. Trunks left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Capodastru Dandrea Spider
    Tranzactie OK. Recomand

    CiocanelBloodyCIocanel was The Buyer

  7. Les Paul 1960 left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Apex-210-Ribbon - Microfon Pentru Cabinet De Chitara.
    Recomand 100%.

    CiocanelBloodyCIocanel was The Buyer

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