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ramurel last won the day on July 4

ramurel had the most liked content!

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    The Rockfans Worldwide

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ramurel's Feedback

  1. Danz left Positive feedback for a topic   

    [EXPIRAT] Marshall Code 25
    Serios, hotarat, parolist. Recomand!

    ramurel was The Buyer

  2. Razvan S. left Positive feedback for a topic   

    HGE Contraptions (DIY hobby) -> Pedale Chitara Handmade / Modari Pedale / Wiring si Setup Chitare / Reparatii Ampuri
    Om serios, a venit personal cu acustica la reglat (corzile coborate la nut, trussrod ajustat).E posibil sa revina pentru un saddle change at some point. Recomand +++

    ramurel was The Buyer

  3. Crypto left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Loadbox / Atenuator Putere Amplificator 18W 8 Ohmi Viotube Amps
    Serios si prompt! Recomand!

    ramurel was Trading

  4. TheZKD left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Gibson Sg Special Hc + Upgrades
    User de incredere

    ramurel was Trading

  5. KeopsAxx left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Line 6 Pod Hd 300
    Un om extraordinar de amabil! Totul a decurs foarte bine! Recomand cu încredere!

    ramurel was The Seller

  6. Claudiu Ibanez left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Procesor De Chitarã Zoom Gfx-4
    CALIFICATIV POZITIV !! Om cu un bun simt cum rar intalniti ! Nota 10 . :D

    ramurel was The Seller

  7. loris left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Preamp Mic 200 Behringer
    Om de caracter! Mihai Gadea are multe de invatat de la acest om!!!

    ramurel was The Seller

  8. Denn left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Mxr M-102 Dyna Comp
    Totul a mers perfect, recomand

    ramurel was The Seller

  9. DREAMVISION left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Handwired Mxr Script Logo Vintage D+
    10+ pentru un user de incredere, corect, recomand

    ramurel was Trading

  10. TheZKD left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Mxr Handwired Vintage Script D+ ( Noi , Nefolosite , In Cutiile Originale)
    User de incredere . Recomand cu placere

    ramurel was Trading

  11. lex left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Kustom Dual 30 Rc
    Foarte amabil si de treaba, recomand cu incredere

    ramurel was The Buyer

  12. Cognek left Positive feedback for a topic   

    M-a ajutat cu cablu si alte dracenii... Ramurel are 10+ de la Cognek...

    ramurel was The Seller

  13. Razvan S. left Positive feedback   

    User serios, a venit pana la iesire din oras dupa ele!!! +++

    ramurel was The Buyer

  14. DREAMVISION left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Vand Multitrack Recorder Zoom Mrs-8
    Recomand, implicat, serios si hotarat

    ramurel was The Buyer

  15. Grim left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Microfon Samson Q6
    User de treaba si incredere. Recomand.

    ramurel was The Seller

  16. Arthur left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Pedalã Marshall Gv-2 Gov'nor Plus
    Serios ºi de încredere atât ca vânzãtor cât ºi ca cumpãrãtor!

    ramurel was The Buyer

  17. Razvan S. left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Procesor Digitech Rp 250
    I-am vandut un traf. User serios

    ramurel was The Buyer

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