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A-1 A-1 08/16/15 Recomand, coleg foarte serios si de cuvant Paul Fagadar Paul Fagadar
MarianFCD MarianFCD 08/16/15 Baiat serios ; omul stie ce vrea !!! Fenderaru Fenderaru
Fenderaru Fenderaru 08/15/15 Vanzator serios, deschis si o pedala de nota 10 - SANSAMP MarianFCD MarianFCD
lukeblue lukeblue 08/15/15 User serios, comunicare excelenta! Recomand! Mosh Craciun Mosh Craciun
selmer selmer 08/15/15 Recomand! User de incredere! Mosh Craciun Mosh Craciun
autumnal hysteria autumnal hysteria 08/14/15 Vanzator de incredere. Recomand! Zaphon Zaphon
gibsonman gibsonman 08/14/15 Baiat valabil! Multa bafta! EmilianAlexandru EmilianAlexandru
Hyper10n Hyper10n 08/14/15 Cuvant dat, cuvant tinut. Parolist! Punctual! Recomand moises moises
moises moises 08/14/15 Numai cuvinte de lauda, apelati cu incredere! Hyper10n Hyper10n
RaduCalin RaduCalin 08/14/15 Cumparator serios. Recomand! vanzar vanzar
vincso vincso 08/14/15 Coleg de nota 10+ Recomand cu placere ! Ponticus Ponticus
Ponticus Ponticus 08/14/15 Coleg serios, comunicare buna, tranzactie fara probleme. recomand. vincso vincso
the outsider the outsider 08/13/15 Persoana de incredere,totul a decurs normal! zoky71 zoky71
Tase Tase 08/13/15 Vanzator de incredere, recomand :) SpiriFlaviu SpiriFlaviu
Dan Petric Dan Petric 08/13/15 vanzator serios, produsul in stare foarte buna 10thmandown 10thmandown
10thmandown 10thmandown 08/12/15 cumparator serios Dan Petric Dan Petric
mike_KidLazy mike_KidLazy 08/12/15 Foarte ok si comunicativa. Totul s-a rezolvat fara probleme. James D. Trunks James D. Trunks
Andrei Lp fan Andrei Lp fan 08/12/15 Om calculat si de cuvant. Recomand! Liviu.Pop Liviu.Pop
Paul Fagadar Paul Fagadar 08/12/15 Un om serios,de nota 10. florinmarinoiu florinmarinoiu
Liviu.Pop Liviu.Pop 08/11/15 Vanzator foarte serios! m-a tinut la curent cu toate detaliile. recomand! Andrei Lp fan Andrei Lp fan
winci winci 08/11/15 Om calumea, a dat totul cu avans , serios,comunicare buna!+++ Razvan S. Razvan S.
Dan Petric Dan Petric 08/11/15 Calificativ de test. AddRien AddRien
AndRiska AndRiska 08/10/15 Om serios. Comunicare excelenta! exoplanet exoplanet
Andrei X Andrei X 08/08/15 am facut un schimb impreuna si si omul nu s-a tinut de cuvant! Gubesz Gubesz
Hyper10n Hyper10n 08/08/15 serios , de incredere florin_cerbu florin_cerbu
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