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Razvan S. Razvan S. 12/09/15 Nota 10, user serios. :) arcgotic arcgotic
radu.popescu radu.popescu 12/08/15 vanzator serios! recomand! Blacklight Blacklight
stefpoliac stefpoliac 12/08/15 scurt si la obiect!persoana serioasa,recomand! claudiu68 claudiu68
chrom_dioxid chrom_dioxid 12/08/15 recomand cu placere ! TheZKD TheZKD
Blacklight Blacklight 12/08/15 Tranzactie impecabila, cumparator de nota 10+!!! radu.popescu radu.popescu
Dead Architect Dead Architect 12/08/15 Om serios, a dat avans, si va veni personal sapt asta dupa chitara. Recomand!++ Razvan S. Razvan S.
Vali Filip Vali Filip 12/08/15 Om de onoare si incredere .Imi pare rau ca pot sa-i dau doar un feedback . sorin the dab sorin the dab
hipjim hipjim 12/08/15 Recomand!I-am reglat complet o chitara,a dat avansul total inainte sa ma apuc!++ Razvan S. Razvan S.
Crypto Crypto 12/08/15 Persoana serioasa. avatar2100 avatar2100
avatar2100 avatar2100 12/08/15 Totul bine si frumos. Coletul l-a trimis foarte rapid si bine ambalat ! Recomand Crypto Crypto
karpybmf karpybmf 12/07/15 cumparator corect si de nota 10+ baxter baxter
Bogdan Iliant Bogdan Iliant 12/07/15 cumparator corect, recomand Airhead Airhead
Airhead Airhead 12/05/15 Persoana serioasa,recomand oricand Bogdan Iliant Bogdan Iliant
Razvan S. Razvan S. 12/05/15 exact cum ne-am inteles! Ezra Ezra
Ezra Ezra 12/05/15 User serios, poate mai colaboram. Recomand!+++ Razvan S. Razvan S.
Cover Cover 12/05/15 Vanzator serios, amabil si atent. Recomand! akebono akebono
baxter baxter 12/05/15 Tranzactie rapida, produsul in stare buna, recomand. karpybmf karpybmf
misro misro 12/04/15 Cumparator serios . Recomand. sorin the dab sorin the dab
sorin the dab sorin the dab 12/04/15 vanzator serios, marfa ok, recomand ! misro misro
Daiabitiz Uyup Zwurp Daiabitiz Uyup Zwurp 12/04/15 Cumparator serios, recomand. Motorrad Motorrad
gigimarga gigimarga 12/04/15 Client serios .Recomand cu placere. sorin the dab sorin the dab
sorin the dab sorin the dab 12/03/15 Amabil si foarte serios! Recomand! gigimarga gigimarga
Motorrad Motorrad 12/03/15 Tranzactie fara probleme, user serios, recomand. +1 Daiabitiz Uyup Zwurp Daiabitiz Uyup Zwurp
guitarhead guitarhead 12/03/15 Om serios. Recomand cu încredere! KeopsAxx KeopsAxx
KeopsAxx KeopsAxx 12/03/15 Good deal, om serios, recomand! :) guitarhead guitarhead
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