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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
Razvan S. Razvan S. 06/10/14 om foarte de treaba, ambalare impecabila a coletului leo1984 leo1984
sorin65 sorin65 06/10/14 Om deosebit, lucrare ireprosabila, sound incontestabil. Recomand! :) Silviu_i Silviu_i
jesmusix jesmusix 06/10/14 Promt, de incredere. Recomand! winci winci
winci winci 06/10/14 de incredere,corect,la subiect,recomand jesmusix jesmusix
DREAMVISION DREAMVISION 06/10/14 un adevarat domn, o placere sa ai de a face cu astfel de persoane, merci ! Brother Cane Brother Cane
funkywhite funkywhite 06/10/14 om de incredere, recomand tuturor. arbitr_stefi arbitr_stefi
gabriel4 gabriel4 06/10/14 All is good :) Pierre Pierre
Pierre Pierre 06/10/14 top notch transaction gabriel4 gabriel4
Eugen D Eugen D 06/09/14 Vanzator serios , comunicare buna . Recomand TheZKD TheZKD
AndRiska AndRiska 06/09/14 Vanzator serios si foarte amabil (combo Marshall MG10) crazvi crazvi
kizu kizu 06/09/14 Promt, de incredere. Recomad! winci winci
jesmusix jesmusix 06/09/14 De incredere, cumparator serios, o placere sa faci afaceri cu el. nandi nandi
nandi nandi 06/09/14 seriozitate si promptitudine,recomand cu cea mai mare incredere jesmusix jesmusix
varu' maftei varu' maftei 06/08/14 toate bune si frumoase Herciu Remus Herciu Remus
guitarhead guitarhead 06/07/14 Tranzacție cu banii în avans. Persoanã serioasã! Crypto Crypto
Herciu Remus Herciu Remus 06/07/14 tranzactie simpla si fara probleme ! varu' maftei varu' maftei
Crypto Crypto 06/05/14 Good deal, om de incredere, recomand! guitarhead guitarhead
Blackthorn Blackthorn 06/05/14 Foarte serios, recomand. avatar2100 avatar2100
avatar2100 avatar2100 06/05/14 Vanzator super de treaba, recomand Blackthorn Blackthorn
gigimarga gigimarga 06/05/14 Om serios, foarte de treaba. nashoo nashoo
stratosaurus stratosaurus 06/05/14 Persoana amabila si de incredere, chiar daca transportul a fost mai scump..srry. pulbur pulbur
pulbur pulbur 06/05/14 coleg serios stratosaurus stratosaurus
EugenRo2001 EugenRo2001 06/05/14 Retastat chitara stratocaster, lucrare excelenta+setup ulterior, multumesc. ronniefrown ronniefrown
Brother Cane Brother Cane 06/05/14 SUPER VANZATOR, SUPER OM!!!!! 10* Multumesc mult! gombotz gombotz
nashoo nashoo 06/05/14 Un om amabil, prompt si de mare incredere! Recomand! gigimarga gigimarga
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