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meyhnach meyhnach 06/28/14 Smooth like da silka, marfa exact ca in descriere, zero probleme. Recomand. crv crv
cosminsatri cosminsatri 06/28/14 Vanzator f f serios,recomand 100%. amala amala
edy_wheazel edy_wheazel 06/27/14 Cumparator de incredere, comunicare excelenta! felix felix
felix felix 06/27/14 De cuvant! edy_wheazel edy_wheazel
Bogdy001 Bogdy001 06/27/14 Cumparator serios comanel comanel
comanel comanel 06/26/14 Produs de calitate, in stare perfecta de functionare, livrare rapida Bogdy001 Bogdy001
sleepdownloader sleepdownloader 06/26/14 Foarte serios si intelegator. Un on super de treaba. Tot respectul bau_bau bau_bau
bau_bau bau_bau 06/26/14 Un om serios si de inredere :) Recomand tuturor sleepdownloader sleepdownloader
Seller Seller 06/25/14 Mai simplu nu se putea. Recomand. Szasz Csaba Szasz Csaba
Manu Savu Manu Savu 06/25/14 Vanzator serios PaulStrat PaulStrat
Wyldechild Wyldechild 06/25/14 Rapid si profi. Eugen D Eugen D
sorman sorman 06/24/14 De incredere!!!! Áron Sebõk Áron Sebõk
tweekboy tweekboy 06/24/14 om de incredere, recomand tuturor. arbitr_stefi arbitr_stefi
Fenderaru Fenderaru 06/24/14 vanzator foarte serios ,recomand cu mare incredere baxter baxter
aleku aleku 06/24/14 Foarte serios si de incredere. Tranzactie rapida si fara probleme. Recomand! sa.vlad sa.vlad
Seriosul Seriosul 06/24/14 schimbul a decurs perfect, recomand :) CernoBill CernoBill
nicupatoi nicupatoi 06/23/14 Un om extraordinar! Vanzator foarte serios! Fin cunoscator! Recomand! cosminsatri cosminsatri
cosminsatri cosminsatri 06/23/14 Extrem de serios! Recomand!!! nicupatoi nicupatoi
Előd Lukácsi Előd Lukácsi 06/23/14 tranzactie ok, cumparator serios Brother Cane Brother Cane
Brother Cane Brother Cane 06/22/14 vanzator serios, recomand Előd Lukácsi Előd Lukácsi
damageplan damageplan 06/21/14 Tranzictie rapida si fara probleme! BogdanPavel BogdanPavel
Cătălin Sim Cătălin Sim 06/21/14 om de incredere, recomand tuturor. arbitr_stefi arbitr_stefi
mariobos mariobos 06/20/14 Totul a decurs foarte bine. bog1890926 bog1890926
alex912005 alex912005 06/20/14 Vanzator serios :D ibanezroland ibanezroland
felix felix 06/19/14 f ok gabriel4 gabriel4
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