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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
raducu raducu 06/27/15 Serios, hotarat... Recomand. OutOfCtrl OutOfCtrl
Crypto Crypto 06/26/15 Vanzator de incredere! andy4297 andy4297
cotrusvlad cotrusvlad 06/26/15 user Ok laurocontis65 laurocontis65
MihaiSouca MihaiSouca 06/26/15 foarte ok, om de cuvant cristi c. cristi c.
ady sticea ady sticea 06/26/15 Saddle de os executat impecabil andydufresne andydufresne
toodie90 toodie90 06/26/15 tranzactie reusita, om de cuvant, recomand leo1984 leo1984
demil22 demil22 06/25/15 Baiat foarte serios si de treaba, totul ok, recomand. hothead hothead
arbitr_stefi arbitr_stefi 06/25/15 Coleg serios si promt. Tranzactia placuta. Recomand cu incredere. vincso vincso
vincso vincso 06/25/15 Om serios, zis si facut, RECOMAND! arbitr_stefi arbitr_stefi
lupo17 lupo17 06/25/15 Thumbs up! Adi.T Adi.T
laurocontis65 laurocontis65 06/24/15 Cumparator serios, totul a decurs ok! Recomand! cotrusvlad cotrusvlad
Gothalin Gothalin 06/24/15 coleg foarte serios.recomand cu placere! claudiu68 claudiu68
silex silex 06/24/15 Un tip serios! Recomand! gigimarga gigimarga
claudiu68 claudiu68 06/24/15 Prompt si serios. Gothalin Gothalin
szeki szeki 06/24/15 Om de incredere ! Sper sa mai avem ocazia sa colaboram ! Ponticus Ponticus
Ponticus Ponticus 06/24/15 Un coleg de nota 10! Mersi! szeki szeki
Beni14 Beni14 06/24/15 Vanzator serios, a fost o adevarata placere sa cumpar de la el, om foarte tare. alexander33 alexander33
bentatiberiu bentatiberiu 06/24/15 Vanzator foarte prompt si serios, foarte de treaba, recomand alinu_tau alinu_tau
alinu_tau alinu_tau 06/23/15 Vanzatorul este serios recomand 100% bentatiberiu bentatiberiu
hemmy hemmy 06/23/15 Recomand cu incredere baltazar181 baltazar181
boc boc 06/23/15 Bogdan este un tip cat se poate de serios, mare caracter. Recomand! cotrusvlad cotrusvlad
cotrusvlad cotrusvlad 06/23/15 De incredere! Recomand! boc boc
Fenderaru Fenderaru 06/23/15 Serios, de cuvant, intelegator. aleku aleku
JohnMetal JohnMetal 06/23/15 Om foarte ok. Tranzacţie fără probleme. tudorbog tudorbog
gigimarga gigimarga 06/22/15 User serios, recomand! Razvan S. Razvan S.
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