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avatar2100 avatar2100 01/12/16 Totul a mers ca la carte Dan Petean Dan Petean
Ezra Ezra 01/12/16 serios , de incredere florin_cerbu florin_cerbu
Nagy Norbert Attila Nagy Norbert Attila 01/11/16 Baiat hotarat si serios! Recomand! XBlinky XBlinky
XBlinky XBlinky 01/11/16 Am primit exact ce mi s-a promis la pretul stabilit. Nagy Norbert Attila Nagy Norbert Attila
Cover Cover 01/09/16 Vanzator serios, Recomand! Ionutz Badiceanu Ionutz Badiceanu
Ionutz Badiceanu Ionutz Badiceanu 01/09/16 Cumparator serios si hotarat. Recomand! Cover Cover
Crypto Crypto 01/09/16 Foarte multumit de procesor. Colaborare excelenta , nota 10. recomand ! vldmlt vldmlt
vldmlt vldmlt 01/09/16 barbos de nota 10 Crypto Crypto
Radu Burcea Radu Burcea 01/09/16 totul a decurs ok! multumesc! Vulgar_display_of_Alex Vulgar_display_of_Alex
Blackthorn Blackthorn 01/09/16 a fost un deal ok florin_cerbu florin_cerbu
Blackthorn Blackthorn 01/09/16 Serios florin_cerbu florin_cerbu
flaviusino flaviusino 01/09/16 Serios. Recomand! aleku aleku
finics finics 01/09/16 Serios, civilizat, recomand! aleku aleku
nothing_ro nothing_ro 01/09/16 Civilizat, serios, prompt. Recomand cu caldura. aleku aleku
jaco jaco 01/08/16 O reala placere, recomand! Seller Seller
Alex_g Alex_g 01/08/16 Tranzactie fara probleme. Recomand! Seller Seller
aleku aleku 01/08/16 Vanzator de incredere! Poate cel mai de incredere! nothing_ro nothing_ro
varu' maftei varu' maftei 01/08/16 Comunicare excelenta. Tranzactie fara probleme! szeki szeki
bruudi bruudi 01/08/16 Om serios, tranzactie desfasurata rapid. Recomand! Razvan S. Razvan S.
Razvan S. Razvan S. 01/08/16 User serios, pedala am primit-o in stare perfecta, recomand! bruudi bruudi
szeki szeki 01/08/16 Serios si amabil, tranzactie fara probleme. varu' maftei varu' maftei
Emanuel R. Emanuel R. 01/08/16 Seriozitate maxima,Recomand,A++++ ggg ggg
aleku aleku 01/07/16 Totul a decurs bine. Pedala functioneaza bine flaviusino flaviusino
Előd Lukácsi Előd Lukácsi 01/07/16 persoana de incredere,recomand. andypandagear andypandagear
Petrucci e tare Petrucci e tare 01/07/16 Cumparator de nota 10! Totul a decurs rapid si bine. Recomand! boc boc
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