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VINCENT FERA VINCENT FERA 04/01/16 Tranzactie reusita. Totul a decurs perfect. Multumesc. Angel12 Angel12
gtrmike gtrmike 03/31/16 Cumparator serios. Recomand cu incredere. Rhoads Rhoads
Rhoads Rhoads 03/31/16 Prompt, corect, onest. Recomand... gtrmike gtrmike
Gabi Rebegel Gabi Rebegel 03/31/16 Vanzator serios, prompt si om de treaba. Cumparati cu incredere. sorin_popovici sorin_popovici
avatar2100 avatar2100 03/30/16 Om de cuvânt, recomand cu căldură! Wagner Tamas Wagner Tamas
Vali184 Vali184 03/30/16 om de incredere, recomand! arbitr_stefi arbitr_stefi
ValeChitara ValeChitara 03/30/16 Persoana serioasa si de treaba AndRiska AndRiska
vnmedia vnmedia 03/29/16 Nota 10+ !!! varu' maftei varu' maftei
AndRiska AndRiska 03/29/16 Persoana serioasa, tranzactie fara probleme, recomand! ValeChitara ValeChitara
dakiboy dakiboy 03/29/16 Om prietenos si serios :),recomand. the outsider the outsider
dakiboy dakiboy 03/29/16 Om prietenos si serios :),recomand. the outsider the outsider
the outsider the outsider 03/29/16 user de incredere tranzactia a decurs fara probleme dakiboy dakiboy
the outsider the outsider 03/29/16 user de incredere tranzactia a decurs fara probleme dakiboy dakiboy
danud danud 03/29/16 recomand,de incredere ! manuc manuc
claudiu68 claudiu68 03/28/16 Vanzator excelent, produsul arata si functioneaza exact cum a fost descris igorr igorr
powerballad powerballad 03/28/16 De incredere. Recomand 100%. Nota 10 gombotz gombotz
hothead hothead 03/24/16 Recomand tuturor! andreigaroi andreigaroi
andreigaroi andreigaroi 03/24/16 Coleg serios, produsul ambalat foarte bine, recomand! hothead hothead
andypandagear andypandagear 03/23/16 Andy este crema spumelor :)) om f serios , recomand ! Alex_Strat69 Alex_Strat69
andypandagear andypandagear 03/23/16 Andy este crema spumelor :)) om f serios , recomand ! Alex_Strat69 Alex_Strat69
igorr igorr 03/23/16 recomand cu toata placerea! claudiu68 claudiu68
Blackthorn Blackthorn 03/23/16 Multumesc! xerxeArt xerxeArt
sweetheartofarose sweetheartofarose 03/22/16 user de incredere. totul a decurs ca la carte.recomand! loris loris
divertis divertis 03/22/16 Om serios!Recomand! chrom_dioxid chrom_dioxid
Adinel Berehorschi Adinel Berehorschi 03/22/16 Multumesc! icandrei icandrei
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