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eugens eugens 09/25/12 cumparator foarte serios miRRor miRRor
Cally Cally 09/24/12 Pedala in stare foarte buna si pret foarte bun! nk4 nk4
nashoo nashoo 09/24/12 Vanzator serios. Amplificator descris conform realitatii. chitara_calda chitara_calda
koltzu koltzu 09/24/12 Serios și amabil! DinuB DinuB
Hyper10n Hyper10n 09/24/12 un nou amic :) civilizat si serios.Recomand! gibsonman gibsonman
gibsonman gibsonman 09/24/12 Om de treaba si de incredere! Hyper10n Hyper10n
Razvan S. Razvan S. 09/23/12 Om de cuvant. Recomand!! loris loris
Silviu_i Silviu_i 09/22/12 serios si de incredere! sorin65 sorin65
loris loris 09/22/12 user serios!¡!¡! Razvan S. Razvan S.
loris loris 09/22/12 user serios!¡!¡! Razvan S. Razvan S.
sorin65 sorin65 09/22/12 Cinstit, de incredere, flexibil, etc. etc. Recomand!!! Silviu_i Silviu_i
Bright Tone Bright Tone 09/22/12 Vanzator Ok,s-a miscat rapid.Recomand. red man red man
Hyper10n Hyper10n 09/22/12 Cumparator serios. Sa-i dea Dumnezeu sanatate! loris loris
Sarpe Sarpe 09/21/12 Vanzator serios si de incredere eduard.alexandru eduard.alexandru
eduard.alexandru eduard.alexandru 09/21/12 Serios Sarpe Sarpe
the outsider the outsider 09/21/12 Tranzactie rapida, om serios. cristeadnl cristeadnl
EugenRo2001 EugenRo2001 09/21/12 Nota 10! KinnuOath KinnuOath
gigiflex gigiflex 09/21/12 Vanzator serios andreistefanp andreistefanp
bentatiberiu bentatiberiu 09/21/12 Foarte serios si amabil .Il recomand fara rezerve... korgophilus korgophilus
crv crv 09/21/12 Super O.K. Recomand 10+++ ametist ametist
ametist ametist 09/20/12 totul ok, un pic suspicios, dar la ce a luat e firesc :) crv crv
grosucelmare grosucelmare 09/20/12 Om serios, la obiect, recomand! winci winci
Danz Danz 09/19/12 Serios si corect. Totul a decurs precum am stabilit. Recomand. OutOfCtrl OutOfCtrl
loris loris 09/19/12 Un dealer si o persoana deosebita! Nu ezitati! Hyper10n Hyper10n
loris loris 09/19/12 om serios, comunicativ si de mare intelegere. recomand! bentatiberiu bentatiberiu
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