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skeeboo skeeboo 05/14/14 fara probleme, om de incredere ! varu' maftei varu' maftei
varu' maftei varu' maftei 05/14/14 Totul a decurs foarte bine. skeeboo skeeboo
mva mva 05/14/14 Cumparator foarte serios si de increderere. Nota 10 din partea mea. rockpebloc rockpebloc
avatar2100 avatar2100 05/14/14 a doua tranzactie cu Augustin, super okay, recomand 100% Airhead Airhead
aleku aleku 05/13/14 Smooth deal, omu' e super-OK, highly recommended! \m/ guitarhead guitarhead
telecaster 1 telecaster 1 05/13/14 serios, prompt, politicos ammons ammons
rcsepei rcsepei 05/13/14 Baiat de treaba in care mereu puteti avea incredere ! Msilviu Msilviu
Paul 77 Paul 77 05/13/14 vanzator serios Guest Guest
telecaster 1 telecaster 1 05/13/14 Tranzactia a decurs perfect! CiocanelBloodyCIocanel CiocanelBloodyCIocanel
sorin65 sorin65 05/13/14 de treaba si rezonabil:-) Blacklight Blacklight
borozan2007 borozan2007 05/13/14 ceva frumos Tragicus Tragicus
CiocanelBloodyCIocanel CiocanelBloodyCIocanel 05/13/14 Client serios .. telecaster 1 telecaster 1
Blacklight Blacklight 05/13/14 Danke! sorin65 sorin65
ammons ammons 05/13/14 Client serios telecaster 1 telecaster 1
Shreder_DT Shreder_DT 05/13/14 User serios, a platit in avans! Recomand +++ Razvan S. Razvan S.
Razvan S. Razvan S. 05/13/14 Xotic RC Booster clone - foarte ok pedala Shreder_DT Shreder_DT
Blacklight Blacklight 05/13/14 Un tip serios, recomand cu incredere. vasile_palfi vasile_palfi
rockpebloc rockpebloc 05/12/14 100% de incredere. 100% seriozitate. Recomand. Multumesc! mva mva
Blacklight Blacklight 05/12/14 Un om serios si produsul in stare perfecte :) Recomand sleepdownloader sleepdownloader
vasile_palfi vasile_palfi 05/12/14 serios si de incredere Blacklight Blacklight
sleepdownloader sleepdownloader 05/12/14 cumparator de incredere,si de treaba Blacklight Blacklight
Msilviu Msilviu 05/12/14 Tranzactie reusita! Baiat de treaba! rcsepei rcsepei
Ibanozzi Ibanozzi 05/12/14 Serios,parolist, comunicare excelenta,recomand cu incredere skoda73 skoda73
the outsider the outsider 05/12/14 Promt serios, produsul ambalat foarte bine, recomand ! silex silex
Noposition Noposition 05/11/14 cumparator serios,recomand Blacklight Blacklight
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