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Bguitar Bguitar 02/23/16 Tranzactie rapida, fara probleme. manbearpig manbearpig
andreigaroi andreigaroi 02/23/16 Totul ok. Prompt. Bine ambalat. Recomand cereal cereal
frank2000 frank2000 02/23/16 Numai cuvinte de lauda, cumparati cu incredere! Ionutz Badiceanu Ionutz Badiceanu
ebh ebh 02/23/16 A fost o placere si recomand cu caldura! Hyper10n Hyper10n
eduard.alexandru eduard.alexandru 02/23/16 User serios! Recomand! Bguitar Bguitar
Tintin Tintin 02/23/16 Feedback de test, cu URL din alta sectiune decat MP Razvan S. Razvan S.
Blackthorn Blackthorn 02/23/16 o persoana deosebita!recomand cu toata increderea baxter baxter
Hyper10n Hyper10n 02/22/16 colaborare excelenta, recomand cu placere ebh ebh
theuts theuts 02/22/16 Foarte serios, prompt si punctual. Recomand! Bedivan Bedivan
narcis1985 narcis1985 02/22/16 Foarte serios ... recomand cu incredere ... stephanutz stephanutz
Bedivan Bedivan 02/21/16 Totul a decurs super. Serios, intelegator si punctual. Recomand! theuts theuts
Solarograma Solarograma 02/21/16 Serios, punctual, comunicare buna. Recomand! sam sam
Sarpe Sarpe 02/21/16 Om de nota 10! Recomand 100%. divertis divertis
divertis divertis 02/21/16 Mi-a trimis banii in avans, asta spune tot. Sarpe Sarpe
divertis divertis 02/21/16 Recomand! Sarpe Sarpe
divertis divertis 02/21/16 Super om, recomand! Sarpe Sarpe
winkytct winkytct 02/20/16 Cumparator serios! Bguitar Bguitar
Bguitar Bguitar 02/20/16 Vanza winkytct winkytct
radu.popescu radu.popescu 02/20/16 Rapid si serios, tranzactia ideala VINCENT FERA VINCENT FERA
Cenusa Mihai Marian Cenusa Mihai Marian 02/20/16 Cumparator de incredere, serios , recomand cu placere. BUBU TL BUBU TL
BUBU TL BUBU TL 02/19/16 mai mult ca perfect!Multumesc! Cenusa Mihai Marian Cenusa Mihai Marian
adrianni adrianni 02/18/16 Super om necu' necu'
bandibalog bandibalog 02/18/16 De incredere. Recomand calduros! Cover Cover
necu' necu' 02/18/16 Totul ok, om serios. adrianni adrianni
Cover Cover 02/18/16 Foarte de treaba, de incredere! bandibalog bandibalog
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