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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
Balaurul Balaurul 01/30/13 Tranzactie rapida,multa seriozitate,all the best! cobra cobra
cobra cobra 01/30/13 Punctual, serios, priceput! Balaurul Balaurul
Istvan Fekete Istvan Fekete 01/30/13 Vanzator serios, recomand! dare dare
Istvan Fekete Istvan Fekete 01/30/13 Vanzator serios! dare dare
luci2007 luci2007 01/30/13 Foarte de treaba. Recomand chitara_calda chitara_calda
coldtaste coldtaste 01/30/13 Prompt si serios. Recomand! gigimarga gigimarga
Vlad H. Vlad H. 01/29/13 vânzãtor serios și prompt. grind25 grind25
Blackthorn Blackthorn 01/29/13 NO COMENT .Super baiat ,super vanzator ,super marfa ..Jos palaria mnastase760 mnastase760
swiftkeys swiftkeys 01/29/13 baiat de treaba recomand la toti!! baltazar181 baltazar181
mnastase760 mnastase760 01/29/13 super cumparator,recomand cu drag adidelavalcea adidelavalcea
vintageblueman vintageblueman 01/29/13 de treaba omul. skepsys skepsys
thestick thestick 01/29/13 de treaba omul. skepsys skepsys
adidelavalcea adidelavalcea 01/29/13 Persoana serioasa ,marfa de calitate ..RECOMAND mnastase760 mnastase760
c i p r i a n c i p r i a n 01/29/13 Excelent ! Un om adevarat GuitarSilviu GuitarSilviu
Flura Flura 01/29/13 vanzator neserios: una promite,alta face. virgil virgil
swiftkeys swiftkeys 01/29/13 Foarte OK. red man red man
Danz Danz 01/29/13 Produsul ca nou in magazin, ambalat perfect, livrat rapid, vanzator serios. Tintin Tintin
swiftkeys swiftkeys 01/29/13 Vanzatoare serioasa, de incredere, tranzactie fara probleme. Recomand! dHeinrich dHeinrich
grind25 grind25 01/28/13 Super ok...nici o problema. Vlad H. Vlad H.
Mihai10 Mihai10 01/28/13 Baiat de treaba, livrare prompta fara probleme, apelati cu incredere finics finics
TheZKD TheZKD 01/28/13 om de incredere!recomand! gagai gagai
eddy68ro eddy68ro 01/28/13 vanzator foarte serios,apelati cu incredere baxter baxter
baxter baxter 01/28/13 Om serios , Deal OK , Recomand cu caldura! eddy68ro eddy68ro
bach bach 01/28/13 Totul a decurs normal,User OK,Recomand!! eddy68ro eddy68ro
eddy68ro eddy68ro 01/28/13 Om serios, recomand cu caldura. bach bach
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