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Alex Oancea Alex Oancea 03/26/15 Cumparator corect,hotarat,recomand! skoda73 skoda73
skoda73 skoda73 03/26/15 Coleg de nota 10, produsele vandute sunt impecabile, recomand cu incredere!! Ibanozzi Ibanozzi
skoda73 skoda73 03/26/15 Atitudine ireprosabila! ROTTOISGOOD ROTTOISGOOD
skoda73 skoda73 03/26/15 Punctual si serios. Recomand! :D Alex Oancea Alex Oancea
Motorrad Motorrad 03/26/15 Super de treaba, prompt si serios! Recomand! Bguitar Bguitar
raulbike21 raulbike21 03/26/15 om de incredere, recomand. arbitr_stefi arbitr_stefi
ROTTOISGOOD ROTTOISGOOD 03/26/15 Om serios,recomand! skoda73 skoda73
Corby Corby 03/26/15 Comunicare excelenta, un om deosebit! radu.popescu radu.popescu
Neuro Neuro 03/25/15 Neuro, frate, cel mai tare! Hyper10n Hyper10n
selmer selmer 03/25/15 Om de incredere toata stima sper sa mai avem ce pune pe foc ;) hrd hand hrd hand
radu.popescu radu.popescu 03/25/15 Comunicare excelenta. Vanzator serios. Recomand! XBlinky XBlinky
hrd hand hrd hand 03/25/15 Mare om, mare caracter :) selmer selmer
sam sam 03/25/15 tranzactie reusita, punctual, recomand ! simphonic metal simphonic metal
Hyper10n Hyper10n 03/25/15 user serios, de incredere. recomand! Neuro Neuro
Neuro Neuro 03/25/15 Cumparator foarte serios. Recomand 100% bentatiberiu bentatiberiu
bentatiberiu bentatiberiu 03/25/15 vanzator serios, rapid, tranzactie fara probleme! Neuro Neuro
kmakkai kmakkai 03/24/15 Recomand, client serios! dorian grey dorian grey
Andrei Dragan Andrei Dragan 03/24/15 de incredere, corect. bbcelrau bbcelrau
Andrei Dragan Andrei Dragan 03/23/15 Tare mic Cluju asta... :) selmer selmer
XBlinky XBlinky 03/23/15 Excelenta experienta! Recomand!! radu.popescu radu.popescu
Razvan S. Razvan S. 03/23/15 excelent bgd bgd
Neuro Neuro 03/22/15 Tranzactie rapida si serioasa. Recomand freelancer freelancer
Razvan S. Razvan S. 03/22/15 comunicare buna, tranzactie as agreed ... recommended, as always adi1334 adi1334
adi1334 adi1334 03/22/15 I-am dat la schimb o pedala BSIAB II clone pe bridge Razvan S. Razvan S.
freelancer freelancer 03/22/15 Foarte rapid si serios! Neuro Neuro
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