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Crypto Crypto 12/03/14 User serios ca de obicei. Mersi! Razvan S. Razvan S.
Alexa Stoenescu Alexa Stoenescu 12/02/14 Multumesc pentru procesor si mai ales pentru felul cum ai procedat. E excelent! MarianFCD MarianFCD
Razvan S. Razvan S. 12/02/14 Vanzator de incredere, serios! cokoon cokoon
cokoon cokoon 12/02/14 A platit in avans pt Lehle! User serios Razvan S. Razvan S.
Deagu Deagu 12/02/14 Foarte serios! Recomand. RazvanM RazvanM
milan milan 12/01/14 Om exceptional, asa mai rar, nu doar pe RGC, dar si in viata de zi cu zi ... otringal otringal
Razvan S. Razvan S. 11/30/14 ca intotdeauna Razvan face treaba f buna!super dude! Solarograma Solarograma
Solarograma Solarograma 11/30/14 Fixed a footswitch and some pedals Razvan S. Razvan S.
stephanutz stephanutz 11/29/14 totul a derulat cum trebuie! respecte AndRiska AndRiska
AndRiska AndRiska 11/29/14 Seriozitate , recomand ;) stephanutz stephanutz
Blackthorn Blackthorn 11/29/14 Inca un client multumit. Thanks Blackthorn! XBlinky XBlinky
Daiabitiz Uyup Zwurp Daiabitiz Uyup Zwurp 11/29/14 om serios cine se tine de cuvant. RECOMAND! AndRiska AndRiska
loris loris 11/29/14 Numai cuvinte de lauda! Stoica Ionut Stoica Ionut
johnnygt johnnygt 11/29/14 Un tip serios. Recomand. vasile_palfi vasile_palfi
dkmg dkmg 11/29/14 Cumparator serios si hotarat, tranzactie rapida, recomand! sam sam
sam sam 11/29/14 Vanzator serios, sincer si de treaba. Recomand! dkmg dkmg
AndRiska AndRiska 11/28/14 Serios, de cuvant, tranzactie rapida, conform topicului. +1! Daiabitiz Uyup Zwurp Daiabitiz Uyup Zwurp
arbitr_stefi arbitr_stefi 11/28/14 Om foarte serios.recomand! Paul Fagadar Paul Fagadar
Pyramid Studio Pyramid Studio 11/28/14 Recomand! ifklikk ifklikk
RazvanM RazvanM 11/28/14 Om serios. Recomand! Deagu Deagu
marcovici marcovici 11/28/14 foarte OK, prompt, de incredere. adi1334 adi1334
Paul Fagadar Paul Fagadar 11/28/14 Om de incredere , recomand tuturor! arbitr_stefi arbitr_stefi
lefmir lefmir 11/28/14 Om serios. Recomand! Deagu Deagu
Deagu Deagu 11/27/14 Foarte serios! Recomand! lefmir lefmir
vincso vincso 11/27/14 Foarte promt si de incredere! Recomand! szeki szeki
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