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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/13/20 in all areas

  1. Am reusit si eu sa termin 2 ale mele: 1. Fender US Deluxe 9.5-14" radius satin neck, abalone inserts, Fender US professional body ,Schaller 2000 trem, Duncan TB-16(59 Custom Hybrid), Little 59, SH2- Jazz, Graphtech nut & trees, custom wiring with 10 modes , S1 Switch + Superswitch & a 12 cap rotary simple varitone 2. Fender American Vintage Reissue 70s scalloped neck by some French luthier and the fretboard was relacquered, Fender US original 1979 heavy Northern ash body, DiMarzio HS-3 bridge, Fender Custom Shop 69 middle, DiMarzio HS-4 neck, Callaham Bridge Vintage narrow, Graphtech nut and trees. The wiring is 1 vol push push split for the two DiMarzios, and a push pull for the tone pot to be taken out completely. 4.6 kg total weight
    9 points
  2. Guano Apes a fost prima trupa pe care am vazut-o vreodata live, a crapzillion years ago. Era ceva Tuborg Greenfest or something si eram cu totii inghesuiti intr-un parc. In seara aia am topait pana la epuizare si mi-am zbierat toti plamanii cantand (ma mir ca inca ii mai am ). Tin minte ca atunci cand au ajuns la "Open Your Eyes" (care e my all-time favorite si pe care m-am jucat si eu mai jos), I went totally crazy jumping around and singing and stuff . Iar cand m-am intors acasa am constatat ca aveam praf pana si-n sosete de la ce era pe jos. Dar n-a contat. Important e ca it was one of the coolest live experiences ever. Good memories... Si daca tot e carantina and stuff, am zis sa ma conformez si eu si sa respect frumos normele de protectie, asa ca m-am "echipat corespunzator" si m-am pus pe treaba (a se citi: "I went crazy one more time" ). Enjoy (or not)!
    2 points
  3. Salut Anul asta mi-am propus un challenge. Mai concret, vreau sa incep sa pun accentul pe cantat la chitara. Mi-am dat seama ca am un canal de youtube de 4 ani si nu am reusit sa urc mare content pe el; in jur de 10 videoclipuri in 4 ani. Asa ca, incepand cu 1 ianuarie, am inceput calatoria de a posta cate un micut riff in fiecare zi. Asta inseamna sa gasesc ideea, sa o inregistrez dupa care sa o pun pe youtube. Un proces destul de time consuming, avand in vedere ca am si un job 9-to-5. Sper sa ii impinga si pe altii sa puna mana pe chitara mai mult si totodata sper sa va placa ce auziti! Astept idei, pareri, orice feel de feedback First video below, enjoy!
    1 point
  4. Vibrolux-ul e the shit! Ce an e, 73-74? De mult visez la așa ceva. Când te plictisești de el da-mi un semn
    1 point
  5. Yeah, good stuff. Creierul oricum lucreaza in fundal la riffuri si cat erai la munca, sunt sigur Eu sunt beginner, inca-mi aranjez chitara, asa ca mai dureaza la mine. E bine ca postezi riffurile, pacat ca sunt multi care nu-si bat capu sa dea un like sau sa lase un comment, chiar daca savureaza contentu, dar asta e...
    1 point
  6. Mersi! Sper sa-ti placa Au venit si zilele alea, ca na, e inevitabil. Plus, pe vremea cand ma duceam la birou (pentru ca, carantina acum) erau zile cand ajungeam rupt, dar reuseam totusi cu un mic efort sa fac un riff si pentru ziua aia. Ar trebui sa incerci. Oricine ar trebui sa incerce. La inceput e un cosmar; dar dupa devine o rutina extrem de placuta. Plus, cand vezi reactiile pozitive ale oamenilor, te ajuta foarte mult sa continui. Mersi! Ai sa gasesti si niste six strings oricum
    1 point
  7. Pt ca sunt batran si mi-e lene sa mai car ampuri, boxe...
    1 point
  8. Husa e ca si noua foarte putin folosita, foarte robusta protejeaza chitara perfect. E conceputa pentru transportul pe avion.From the manufacturer:Life is tough. Life on the road, even tougher. But there is something you can do to make things easier on both you and your instrument. You can buy a little Protection with Protection Racket Guitar Cases. The line of guitar cases from Protection Racket are designed to give you the confidence that your prized guitar has maximum protection. Central to the construction of the cases is Protection Racket's exclusive "Rocket Foam" padding which not only deflects shock from its outer layers, but also absorbs shock on its inner layers to ensure knocks and vibrations don't reach the instrument. All the guitar cases are manufactured using rugged Racketex, Protection Racket's high-abrasion resistance, 100% waterproof polyester that won't fade, crack or shrink.FeaturesOne Piece Construction: Effortless to use, no need to muck about with lids, buckles, and strapsThe Stitching Thread: Bonded nylon that doesn't deteriorate and holds the case together - even if an area of stitching is breachedDouble Stitching: To first complete the wall and two ends separately, and then to join them together; giving twice the security at the corners and edges for greater protection and durabilityElectric Guitar Case DeluxeProduct Reference7150-00ProductElectric DeluxeBar Code ReferencePR7150DescriptionElectric Guitar Case DeluxeSpecificationsInternal Dimensions:14 1/2" (lower bow) x 41 1/2" (length) x 4" (depth)Weight:4.0kg
    1 point
  9. Ce nut ar are Chibsonul ala
    1 point
  10. Mai dureaza pana atunci. In the meantime... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA YES! YEES! YEEEEEES!
    1 point
  11. L-am intrebat daca o da pentru 150 Ron, si raspunsul a fost ca, a refuzat oferta de 250 Euro.
    1 point
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