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Xtazy Xtazy 01/05/14 totul a decurs conform discutiei. *thumbs up* marduk marduk
Ervin Beatbox Ervin Beatbox 01/05/14 Super de incredere omul.Recomand. mariusteicu mariusteicu
cashtelu cashtelu 01/05/14 User de incredere , recomand ! Rothmans Rothmans
sasa sasa 01/04/14 Om serios , recomand!! baltazar181 baltazar181
Velicu Radu Velicu Radu 01/03/14 vanzator serios, recomand leo1984 leo1984
Dani Frâncu Dani Frâncu 01/03/14 Cumparator serios. Recomand! russdodo russdodo
russdodo russdodo 01/03/14 Totul a fost ok. Dani Frâncu Dani Frâncu
eduard.alexandru eduard.alexandru 01/03/14 Deal ok! Razvan S. Razvan S.
melodymaker melodymaker 01/02/14 nu primit diferenta stabilita , a trecut de mult termenul stabilit TheZKD TheZKD
Andrei Balan Andrei Balan 12/30/13 Cumparator tare de treaba, serios si punctual Blackthorn Blackthorn
Blackthorn Blackthorn 12/30/13 Un vanzator foarte serios si punctual recomand. Andrei Balan Andrei Balan
FMI FMI 12/30/13 Om corect si serios. Comunicare excelenta. Tranzactie fara probleme 10+ simple_man simple_man
simple_man simple_man 12/30/13 Un om deosebit, demn de toata increderea !!! FMI FMI
Deagu Deagu 12/29/13 Jos palaria! levi.h levi.h
TheZKD TheZKD 12/29/13 super scule , super afacere , prompt si serios , predate si instalate personal melodymaker melodymaker
levi.h levi.h 12/29/13 vanzator serios, marfa de buna calitate Deagu Deagu
Blackthorn Blackthorn 12/29/13 foarte multumit ! tintinhonda tintinhonda
bentatiberiu bentatiberiu 12/28/13 vanzator corect si de incredere. recomand 100% Airhead Airhead
avatar2100 avatar2100 12/28/13 La Augustin profesionalismul este mereu pe primul loc ! SethOne SethOne
Blacklight Blacklight 12/28/13 Foarte serios, recomand. avatar2100 avatar2100
Airhead Airhead 12/28/13 Corect si oportun in afaceri. Cumparator serios. Recomand 100%. bentatiberiu bentatiberiu
florerusu florerusu 12/28/13 Vanzator serios, de incredere. bentatiberiu bentatiberiu
bentatiberiu bentatiberiu 12/28/13 super cumparator.om deosebit si serios. recomand! florerusu florerusu
Szasz Csaba Szasz Csaba 12/28/13 Tranzactie corecta, recomand fara retineri! sam sam
simon laszlo simon laszlo 12/28/13 om de incredere, recomand tuturor. arbitr_stefi arbitr_stefi
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