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sam sam 05/24/15 Coleg serios si promt. Tranzactia placuta. Recomand cu incredere. vincso vincso
Jean793 Jean793 05/24/15 extrem de serios ! recomand oricui , oricand ! toni_schaller toni_schaller
guitarman2011 guitarman2011 05/23/15 De treabă, serios, hotărât. Recomand. OutOfCtrl OutOfCtrl
TheZKD TheZKD 05/23/15 persoana serioasa,racomand mad_max924 mad_max924
Razvan S. Razvan S. 05/23/15 De incredere si serios, livrare rapida, coletul impachetat ca la carte. Recomand andydufresne andydufresne
Rothmans Rothmans 05/23/15 Everything is ok! Cristy_opra Cristy_opra
Cristy_opra Cristy_opra 05/23/15 Vanzator serios . Totul a decurs cum am stabilit Rothmans Rothmans
toni_schaller toni_schaller 05/23/15 super baiat! de incredere! recomand! Jean793 Jean793
andydufresne andydufresne 05/23/15 User serios si rapid! A platit in avans pe incredere!! Recomand +++ Razvan S. Razvan S.
mad_max924 mad_max924 05/22/15 Totul ok . User de incredere TheZKD TheZKD
selmer selmer 05/22/15 totul a decurs perfect, un om foarte de treaba :D CernoBill CernoBill
hothead hothead 05/22/15 Om serios si de incredere! Recomand! pageo1 pageo1
baltazar181 baltazar181 05/22/15 cumparator serios, prompt. Crypto Crypto
pageo1 pageo1 05/22/15 Totul a fost ok, produsul ca in descriere. Recomand hothead hothead
Crypto Crypto 05/22/15 User serios recomand! baltazar181 baltazar181
the outsider the outsider 05/22/15 un om de incredere .recomand. guitarman2011 guitarman2011
OutOfCtrl OutOfCtrl 05/22/15 ne-am inteles ok .ofera lucruri de calitate .recomand:) guitarman2011 guitarman2011
Szasz Csaba Szasz Csaba 05/22/15 un om intelegator .totul a decurs foarte bine .recomand guitarman2011 guitarman2011
selmer selmer 05/21/15 Totul a mers brici. Recomand SausageAssassin SausageAssassin
CernoBill CernoBill 05/21/15 Mi-a facut placere. Mult succes Andrei! selmer selmer
SausageAssassin SausageAssassin 05/21/15 Recomand tuturor! Un coleg deosebit. selmer selmer
frantic92 frantic92 05/21/15 Tranzactie perfecta, prompt si la obiect! A+++++ radu.popescu radu.popescu
Bright Tone Bright Tone 05/21/15 Preten de nadejde, om de cuvant, profi! Recomand! +1 Daiabitiz Uyup Zwurp Daiabitiz Uyup Zwurp
Manu Savu Manu Savu 05/21/15 O persoana foarte serioasa, tranzactie fara probleme. Recomand! Kibis44 Kibis44
toodie90 toodie90 05/21/15 om de incredere, recomand. arbitr_stefi arbitr_stefi
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