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michele michele 01/09/15 Cumparator serios ! Recomand Robertz Robertz
EU1 EU1 01/09/15 om de inredere, recomand. arbitr_stefi arbitr_stefi
Robertz Robertz 01/09/15 ok michele michele
cosminsatri cosminsatri 01/09/15 recomand! paul13 paul13
StevieKing StevieKing 01/09/15 user serios si rapid, recomand cu incredere spike2 spike2
paul13 paul13 01/09/15 Recomand cu incredere. Un coleg foarte serios. cosminsatri cosminsatri
papu papu 01/08/15 Excelent! Multumesc pentru o tranzactie super ok. adrianni adrianni
tamtam tamtam 01/08/15 totul a fost ca spuma marii twister twister
jancsit jancsit 01/08/15 Un cumparator prompt si de mare incredere...recomand! gigimarga gigimarga
bau_bau bau_bau 01/08/15 Foarte parolist, recomand cu caldura. avatar2100 avatar2100
Adinel Berehorschi Adinel Berehorschi 01/08/15 Super de treaba, serios, recomand Blackthorn Blackthorn
avatar2100 avatar2100 01/08/15 Cine se mai indoieste de Avatar? Super dea,l rapid, eficient. Nota 10 bau_bau bau_bau
SausageAssassin SausageAssassin 01/08/15 OK, prompt, de incredere, recomand adi1334 adi1334
adi1334 adi1334 01/08/15 Totul a decurs super ok! SausageAssassin SausageAssassin
bentatiberiu bentatiberiu 01/08/15 Om serios si hotarat, recomand ! Tase Tase
cokoon cokoon 01/07/15 user serios,a platit in avans Razvan S. Razvan S.
Razvan S. Razvan S. 01/07/15 Excellent pedal builder, serious seller! Recomand cu incredere. cokoon cokoon
Ibanozzi Ibanozzi 01/07/15 om de incredere, recomand tuturor. arbitr_stefi arbitr_stefi
arbitr_stefi arbitr_stefi 01/07/15 Om serios. Recomand. tudorbog tudorbog
MrNesteaPeach MrNesteaPeach 01/07/15 om de incredere , recomand tuturor. arbitr_stefi arbitr_stefi
TheZKD TheZKD 01/07/15 Recomand!!!! Csaba Szátvári Csaba Szátvári
tudorbog tudorbog 01/07/15 om de incredere, recomand tuturor. arbitr_stefi arbitr_stefi
Vince Windrider Vince Windrider 01/07/15 Comunicatie buna, Cumparator serios, recomand! Cover Cover
Tase Tase 01/06/15 Tranzactie serioasa, foarte corect in afaceri, recomand 100% bentatiberiu bentatiberiu
Metal Head In Metal Head In 01/06/15 domnul Calin nu onoreaza vanzarea confirmata de el... millu2m millu2m
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