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  1. Chitara a fost achizionata saptamana trecuta, mi-a ajuns alaltaieri si abia atunci am observat ca este varianta junior a produsului pe care il cautam, small scale. Este nou-nouta, nu s-au facut modificari la ea, amolificatorul functioneaza, bateria este inclusa :))
  2. Vand esp ltd ec-1000 Mai multe detalii la telefon: 0741303703
  3. Vand interfata audio Native Instruments, modelul Komplete Audio 6 MK1. A fost folosita exclusiv in casa, stare perfecta de functionare. Se poate preda in Cluj-Napoca sau trimite in tara prin curier (cumparatorul achita transportul/comisionul de ramburs). Pret: 500 lei.
  4. Vand amplificator de chitara Orange Crush 20 in stare perfecta, ca nou, cumparat din magazin in octombrie (e inca in garantie). Pret: 500 lei Prefer cu predare in Cluj-Napoca, dar trimit si in tara prin curier.
  5. Vand set de 10 cabluri patch flat, lungime de 58 cm, marca EBS PG-58 Flat Gold. Sunt luate de pe Thomann si sunt ca noi, stare perfecta de functionare. Nu le dau decat la set, adica toate 10 sau minim jumatate din ele (adica 5 bucati). NU le vand la bucata. Pret pentru tot setul de 10 cabluri: 300 lei. Pretul pentru 5 cabluri: 180 lei. https://www.thomann.de/ro/ebs_pg_58_flat_patch_cable_gold.htm Mai vand si 8 cabluri patch Cordial, lungime de 30 cm. Se dau doar la setul intreg de 8. Pret: 100 lei. Luate tot de pe Thomann: https://www.thomann.de/ro/cordial_cfi_03_rr.htm Se pot ridica din Cluj-Napoca sau trimite in tara si cumparatorul plateste transportul + comisionul de ramburs.
  6. Este pedala amp emulator foarte rara si superba Este o replica celebrei pedale SansAmp GT2 cu un sunet 10/10 Made in japan by Maginc Pret usor negociabil Prefer predare personala la Sfântu Gheorghe, dar pot sa trimit prin curier
  7. Scurta descriere : The SR Jam 150 is a thing of beauty convenience and simplicity. Our review model was packaged in a handsome laminated birch cabinet (also available in black), and weighing just 29 pounds, it offers nearly everything a gigging or recording guitarist would ever need to get the job done in style. It functions much like a mini PA and boasts a 40Hz–20KHz response with a max SPL of 115dB, which should be plenty to cover small to medium-sized venues. The system is biamped using a two-way bass reflex cab housing an 8" woofer and a compression tweeter that combined put out an RMS of 150 watts. If you need more power than that, they have included an XLR output to send the signal to an external amplification system. Conveniently located on the top of the amp are all of the controls, including what you’d see in just about every modern compact 6-channel mixer and then some. Channels 1 and 2 offer your choice of XLR or 1/4" input for either a mic or high-impedance signals. Channels 3 and 4 offer hi and lo sensitivity inputs to accommodate keyboards and active pickup instruments, while channels 5 and 6 are set up like stereo RCA inputs to plug in your iPod or similar device. EQ on channels 1–4 offer up 3 bands of fixed frequencies of high, mid, and low, while channels 5 and 6 remove the mid control. In addition to the built-in FX, there is a full-featured FX loop plus a recording output and accompanying volume control for feeding an external recorder to document your performances. If plugging the Godin Multiac in direct yielded very usable sounds, going into the Jam brought out its best. Plugged into channel 1 of the Jam with all of the settings flat and the Volume and Master Volume set to noon, a new body and warmth opened up on the Multiac that was incredibly musical. At this point, the sonic differences of each of the Mic Imaging settings became much more apparent, and all of them showed their true tonal colors. Cranking the amp to full up revealed no feedback from the guitar whatsoever and the amp remained fairly quiet. There is a point on the Master past 3 o’clock that a level of hiss comes into play, but nothing too bad in terms of getting in the way. At that volume things are getting fairly loud, and the hiss was of little concern to me. Grabbing the EQ on the amp allowed for musical but not precise adjustments, much like on a Mackie 1202 or a good stereo system. I believe this is a smart design, because it doesn’t allow for extreme EQ mistakes to be made that would negatively color the sound due to user error. Back in the old days, a lot of equipment was built with a simple interface that always offered a musical choice, but over time that simplicity has been replaced with complex setups allowing for massive flexibility… and potentially disastrous settings. I prefer the set-it-and-forget-it nature, as it makes getting a great sound very easy. That said, it would be nice to have a graphic EQ onboard to aid in just a bit more overall adjustment when necessary. Moving on, the Jam offers up a great little set of effects, courtesy of Alesis. Like the Multiac’s Mic Imaging settings, there are also four different effects to choose from: three reverbs and a delay. Working exactly the same as an effects send/return, you can adjust the amount of effect per channel and the overall wetness of the signal with the EFF RTRN control. All of the reverbs sounded quite good as basic reverbs go, but I found the delay to be a bit of an odd choice because of its fairly fast and pronounced repeat. There is no control over the settings, other than volume, and only one can be used at a time—but this is really more of a freebee if you don’t want to carry around an external effects device. Of course, they thoughtfully included a true effects loop, in case you do decide to use a high-end device, and when plugging in an external unit the Alesis effects are simply taken out of the circuit. Nice touch! Because there are six channels on the Jam, I took the time to plug in a mic, my iPod and the Multiac to play through it like I would at a solo coffeehouse gig. Just using the onboard effects and a little EQ, I was easily able to put together a great mix of music, voice and guitar that would project nicely in a smaller environment. It was surprising to hear the fullness of the amp, covering such a broad frequency spectrum through just an 8" woofer and small tweeter yet retaining the best properties of the Multiac’s tone. Pushing the amp too far with this setup did reveal that the Jam is “only human,” and the speaker and power configuration work well as long as you respect their limits. The good news is the XLR Master Out is just one step away from plugging into the main system at any club, giving you the power needed for the gig but with you in charge of your mix. Brilliant. IMG_4757.dng
  8. Nou-nouț (mă rog, e relic din fabrică, dar înțelegeți ce vreau să zic 🙂), pachet complet cu toate accesoriile, până și bit pentru dat găuri de dimensiunea exactă a șuruburilor de atașare), instrucțiuni, autocolante și nebunii. E practic la nivelul tremolourilor de pe PRS Core, construit în cazul ăsta din oțel laminat la rece, prelucrat precis. Fiecare șurub se comportă ca un pivot (la modul real, nu ca pe tremoloul vintage de strat), așa că merge fluid și se întoarce precis în punctul de echilibru. Evident, e construit ca un tanc și trezește din morți chitara pe care-l instalezi. Brațul e din inox, tip push-in, tensiunea ajustabilă de pe baseplate. Compatibil cu toate corpurile cu spațierea 52.3/52.5mm ( 2-1/16"), adică toate chitarele MIM Standard, Squier Classic Vibe, Road Worn Player HSS. Dacă-l cumperi din SUA, ajungi undeva la 340 de EUR cu tot cu taxe și costurile de transport, eu vreau pe al meu 200 de EUR.
  9. Salutare, Scot la vanzare aceste 2 pedale: Delay analog/digital Ibanez DE7, este o pedala mai veche dar arata foarte bine pentru varsta lui si este perfect functional. Merge si cu sursa, are loc si pentru baterie de 9V. Cumparat, pus pe pedalboard, nici nu a iesit din casa. 450 RON + transport cu cont colector. Motivul vanzarii: Am un Flashback 2. Octaver TC Electronic Sub'n'Up, este ca noua, am folosit max. 2 ore, nici asta nu a iesit din casa, am si cutia originala, perfect functional dar si vizual, merge cu sursa sau cu baterie de 9V. 450 RON + transport cu cont colector. Motivul vanzarii: Nu este folosit. Trimit cu Fan Courier. Pentru alte detalii, sunt disponibil aici. Multumesc RGC.
  10. Vand 5 pedale facute de mine: -Deep orange delay-clona Deep blue delay -Clona Friedman Golden Pearl -Clona Fortin 33 -Clona Fulltone Ocd -Clona Black Arts Pharaoh Fuzz Toate sunt facute pe etched PCB,utilizand schemele de aici:http://effectslayouts.blogspot.com/ 250 lei oricare,neg.Alte detalii sau poze in PM.
  11. Amplificator cu head lampă 4W Funcțional 9/10 (probabil trebuie curățat unul dintre potențiometre) Estetic 9/10
  12. Vox AC15/30) în stare foarte bună. - funcționalitate: 10/10 - aspect: 8/10 (velcro pe spate, capac baterie lipsă)
  13. Funcționalitate 10/10 Estetic 8/10 Fără alimentatorul original.
  14. Pedala se prezintă în stare bună, fără defecte, dar cu semne vizibile de utilizare (aspect 6/10). Are 2 canale distincte de overdrive și un clean boost care face toți banii. Alimentare direct la 220V.
  15. Pedale în stare foarte bună funcțional (10/10) și estetic (8/10) Chorus/Vibrato - xVive V8 - Chorus Vibrato - 200 RON Noise Gate - Xvive V11 - 180 RON Volum/WAH - Valeton SURGE EP-1 - 200 RON Tuner - Harley Benton - 80 RON Sursa alimentare pedale - Harley Benton Power Plant ISO-5 PRO - 180 RON Pedalboard case - Warwick RockCase 60x40 cm - 180 RON
  16. Gibson Les Paul XR-1 Detalii: Acest model a fost produs intre anii 1981-1982 si are la baza un corp din mahon solid si top de artar, gatul este realizat din 3 bucati de artar iar tastiera este din palisandru. Dozele sunt Dirty Fingers, din era Tim Shaw, si suna extrem de bine. Pe langa controalele clasice de Les Paul (2xVolum/2xTon si Switch cu 3 pozitii) prezinta si posibilitatea de coil-split a dozelor. Prezinta zgarieturi si zone unde finish-ul este indepartat (vezi fotografii) insa este perfect functionala. Componentele sunt originale, exceptand rama dozei din bridge (nu cred ca este originala). Modelul a fost folosit de Steve Clark, pentru cine vrea tonul lui de pe albumul Pyromania, cam asta e chitara. Pentru alte detalii, folositi modalitatile de contact. Se vinde insotita de hardcase.
  17. Gibson Es 335 , COA red cherry , Long tenon , Burstbuckere
  18. Power amp-ul functioneaza fara probleme, lampile sunt ca noi...au foarte putine ore de uz. Este cu priza EU, nu adus de pe alte continente Se da impreuna cu un Millenium Rack Bag 3 (din care 1 etaj este gol) si atenuatorul thd hotplate 8ohm din poza (la care line out-ul functioneaza dar cu intermitente la modificarea volumului). Pot trimite si prin curier dar presupun ca se doreste proba...pe langa ca este destul de greu tot pachetul.
  19. basul e in stare buna, tastele f bune. un bas de calitate. se poate proba la timisoara. Nu as trimite prin posta.. Vine cu ham cu straplock si husa softbag warwick. corzi aproape noi elixir.
  20. Vand Pedala distors SUNSET Strymon ( nou) 250 euro
  21. Vand urmatoarele pedale, au fost folosite foarte putin, mai mult in casa, foarte rar la repetitii. Le am folosit cu chitara si bass si sunt bune cu ambele. Toate sunt in stare buna, poate prezinta mici semne de utilizare. Le vand pentru ca am trecut la Hx Stomp si nu mai am nevoie de ele. Preturi usor negociabile. Prefer predare personala in Iasi, se pot testa toate pedalele. Trimit in tara cu plata ramburs. Mooer Radar 400 Mooer Envelope 200 Joyo Aquarius 270 Joyo Baatsin 250 Caline Snake bite 200 Caline Action Replay 100 Caline Gale Force 100
  22. Salut! Scot la vanzare o interfata audio Steinberg UR22, folosit putin si sta nefolosit de o vreme. Este functional, fara probleme. Nu accept schimburi, trimit in tara cucurierat rapid, transportul fiind suportat de cumparator. O zi faina!
  23. Salut! Dezmembrez pedalboardul fiindca vreau sa trec pe procesor. pedalele sunt functionale, ingrijite, toate au velcro pe spate, la Carcosa lipseste un surub (asa am luat si eu SH), in rest sunt ca nou, la Zoom B3 am alimentatorul original, dar nu am cutia originala, restul o trimit cu cutia lor originala. Nu accept schimburi, trimit in tara cu curierat rapid, transportul fiind suportat de cumparator. Cu informatii suplimentare nu ezitati sa ma contactati. O zi faina! Zoom B3 -450 EBS Unichorus - 700 DOD Carcosa - 400 Tc Electronic Flashback 2 - 600 ElectroHarmonix Bass Preacher - 300 NUX Melvin Lee Davis nbp-5 - 600 Darkglass Alpha Omicron - 700 Tc Electronic Polytune 3 mini - 350 Pedaltrain Classic 2 with case - 700
  24. Se vand urmatoarele pedale, toate ca noi, mai putin Zvex Distortron care are ceva urme de uzura si un surub lipsa. EarthQuaker Devices Hoof Hybrid Fuzz V2 - 700 ron DOD Looking Glass Boost / Overdrive - 550 ron MXR Super Badass Distortion - 500 ron TC Electronic Cinders overdrive - 150 ron Wampler Plexi Drive - 550 ron Wampler Plexi-Drive Deluxe V2 - 800 ron Zvex Distortron - 500 ron Boss OD-3 - 400 ron Overdrive Catalinbread Formula 55 - 700 ron Dunlop Jimi Hendrix Fuzz Face Mini - 650 ron Digitech DOD Carcosa Fuzz - 450 ron Greer Amps Black Mountain Crunch Drive - 900 ron Maxon OD808 - 450 ron Pedal board Rockboard Tres 3.1 B - 400 ron
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