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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/03/22 in all areas
Vand urmatoarele doze si componente ramase in urma unor proiecte, anume: 1. Tremolo de Kramer Baretta Special (nu cre ca mai am maneta) - 50 lei 2. Tremolo Fender '60 (are gaurile de prindere o idee mai indepartate decat cel Standard) - 100 lei 3. Tremolo cu saddles & bloc de brass (foarte calitativ, are si maneta) - 200 lei 4. Set doze Epiphone negre - 120 lei/set 5. Doza G&B neck (de la PRS SE primele modele, impedanta ~ 8,7 kohmi) - 100 lei 6. Doza Single pentru neck sau mijloc de pe Ibanez (~6,2 kohmi) - 50 lei 7. Set capace Goldo noi, nemontate, decupate pentru magnetii ambelor bobine - 80 lei 8. Doua capace, folosite, relic oricum vrei sa le numesti - 50 lei impreuna 9. Potentiometru Fender 250/1000, folosit - 30 lei 10. Rotary Switch cu 4 pozitii de pe bass Fender, inlocuit de cum a fost cumparata chitara - 50 lei Preturile sunt absolut fixe, trimit si prin curier/posta pe cheltuiala cumparatorului sau predare personala in zona Cluj.2 points
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componente SH: Pickguardul, backplate-ul ( luate de pe un strat mexican) chei Gibson Deluxe luate de pe un Gibson LP Studio, in stare foarte buna de functionare patch cables: mogami, fender, warwick Shamanic simple ceremonial rattle: https://tinyurl.com/mr48exr7 Bamboo Hand Painted Quena Flute Metronom/Tuner Korg Tm 40: https://www.amazon.com/Korg-TM40-Display-Digital-Metronome/dp/B000AAGM0M Thomann Acoustic-Steel Jumbo Gigbag: https://forums.rgc.ro/topic/132057-thomann-acoustic-steel-jumbo-gigbag/?tab=comments#comment-1028391 componente noi: Fender American Standard Tuners CH: https://www.thomann.de/ro/fender_amstdtuner_mechaniken.htm?sid=1162a7fc85e24b715af1bc2cb7ee456b&ref=intl&shp=eyJjb3VudHJ5Ijoicm8iLCJjdXJyZW5jeSI6MTIsImxhbmd1YWdlIjoxNH0%3D&reload=1 Harley Benton PartsPickupcover SinglecoilAWH: https://www.thomann.de/ro/harley_benton_partspickupcover_singlecoilawh.htm Genuine Fender Amplifier Parts - Amp Knobs, Skirted "1-10", Set of 6, Black Goldo vintageST bridge: https://www.thomann.de/ro/goeldo_diego_deluxe_bridge_strat_cn.htm?sid=1162a7fc85e24b715af1bc2cb7ee456b&ref=intl&shp=eyJjb3VudHJ5Ijoicm8iLCJjdXJyZW5jeSI6MTIsImxhbmd1YWdlIjoxNH0%3D&reload=1 Freturi Dunlop 6100: https://www.thomann.de/ro/dunlop_6100.htm 2 x 5 WAY GUITAR EFFECTS PEDAL 9V DAISY CHAIN POWER SUPPLY CABLE SPLITTER: https://tinyurl.com/23u8k7hj Aux Multi Switch For Strymon Pedals: https://forums.rgc.ro/topic/119342-aux-multi-switch-for-strymon-pedals/?tab=comments#comment-978868 mufe jack mare: proel, silent1 point
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Caut una din cele doua variante enuntate in titlu: Morningstar MC6 sau MC8. Daca ai unul si vrei sa scapi de el, lasa un PM Mersi1 point
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Salut, Este rezervat! pana nu clarific situatia cu cel caruia i l-am promis, anuntul nu este valabil! Multuu!1 point
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