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David Gilmour Signature Strat


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'Guitarist can exclusively reveal that Fender is to make a David Gilmour signature Stratocaster. The Fender Custom Shop's Mike Eldred revealed the news when we spoke to him about the new Blackie Tribute model.


"Todd Krause and I are going to spend a day spec'ing out David's black Strat with his tech Phil Taylor, so we can do a signature guitar. It's not a Tribute guitar (like Blackie). We want to do that, as they're designed to pay homage to iconic artists. But first we're going to do the black Strat as a Custom Shop signature."


This at least means the signature will be more affordable than the Blackie Tribute, though deciding any pricing is way off. Fender is aiming to launch the guitar in July 2007, though Eldred concedes January 2008 is more "realistic".


The Pink Floyd legend bought his famed black Strat new in 1970. It's his most-used and most-modified guitar. From what Gilmour has said about the Strat, it's neck has been replaced a few times - originally with a 1966 rosewood fingerboard and latterly with a '57 reissue maple 'board - and, of course, the original white pickguard was replaced with a black one. The vibrato arm has been shortened, and the pickups are now believed to be stock Fender single-coils.


"Everyone at Fender is a huge David Gilmour fan," says Eldred. "He's awesome, a great guitar player."'

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Foarte putin offtopic: noul numar al revistei "Guitar Legends" este dedicat formatiei Pink Floyd. L-am rasfoit putin intr-un magazin si mi s-a parut foarte interesant.Povestesc mult si despre echipament si modul cum au obtinut tonuri de chitara care de multe ori sunt atat de altfel de ceea ce eram sau suntem obisnuiti.


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  • 8 months later...

DavidGilmour.Com brings news about the new promised Fender Gilmour Strat. Initial plans were to release the guitar in early 2008 but now they have decided to issue a model in due with the upcoming DVD in medio September! Estimated price tag is $4000


The guitar will be a Signature model of David’s beloved black Stratocaster. This means that the guitar will not be a detailed replica with all the scratches and wounds but it will have the same specs, the 57 neck, the neck/bridge combo pickup switch (at least we hope) and the custom Seymour Duncan pickups. A Tribute model is expected next year.


Originally the guitar had a white pickguard and a late 60’s maple neck with the big headstock. In 1974, David replaced the white pickguard with a black and the black Strat was “born”. Over the years it’s gone through countless changes and the Fender model will be based on the current version, seen on during On an Island tour. Read more about the history of this guitar. http://www.gilmourish.com/?page_id=66


So, will it be worth it? Will you run your shoes off to get one? Well, you decide� Here are some tips on how to make your very own Gilmour replica Strat.


- The body of a black Fender Classic Series 70’s Strat

- The V-shaped ‘57 reissue neck of a Fender Classic Series 50’s Strat

- 8 hole 1-ply black pickguard

- Vintage S Model bridge kit from Callaham Guitars (including a shortened tremolo arm)

- A push/pull volume pot or a toggle switch for combining the bridge and neck pickups

- A set up Fender Custom 54 pickups or contact the Seymour Duncan Custom Shop for a replica set of David’s pickups

- A custom Jimi Hendrix replica strap from Jeri Hart Designs to top it off�




More details to follow in the next week or two, so please don't ask. We can't add anything to the above at this time, unfortunately.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Daca urmeaza traditia fender, o sa coste 59435203950243906962$ si nu o sa aiba decat niste doze EMG (desi vad ca in articol se vorbeste de SD) si un whammy bar mai scurt, altceva nimic special. Si poate niste modificari pe partea electronica pe care le-as face cu 200$ in jumatate de ora.

Edited by Metabog
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Guest Rewinder

intre timp au aprut si pretzurile... asa ca cine are are...


David Gilmour Stratocaster® NOS - 3999,99$

David Gilmour Stratocaster® Relic® - 4799,99$


eu le urez succes la vanzare :)

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Guest ExTrode
intre timp au aprut si pretzurile... asa ca cine are are...


David Gilmour Stratocaster® NOS - 3999,99$

David Gilmour Stratocaster® Relic® - 4799,99$


eu le urez succes la vanzare :)

stai linistit, sunt multe persoane in lume care isi permit asa ceva.

Gandeste-te ca s-au vandut replicile Frankenstrat (300 la numar) care au costat 25.000$ bucata.

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pentru mai multe detalii, cititi aici:




Mie imi apare un ecran care imi zice sa ma loghez. Exact ca la site-urile XXX. Posteaza si tu articolul aici sau nu mai posta nimic. :) mibu, respect posturile tale, le gasesc in general pertinente si informative. No offense, dar nu mi se pare corect sa trebuiasca sa ma inscriu pe 3 forumuri ca sa citesc un articol. Scuze dar par agresiv, te asigur ca nu sunt. In rest toate bune! :)

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Guest ExTrode
Mie imi apare un ecran care imi zice sa ma loghez. Exact ca la site-urile XXX. Posteaza si tu articolul aici sau nu mai posta nimic. :) mibu, respect posturile tale, le gasesc in general pertinente si informative. No offense, dar nu mi se pare corect sa trebuiasca sa ma inscriu pe 3 forumuri ca sa citesc un articol. Scuze dar par agresiv, te asigur ca nu sunt. In rest toate bune! :)


si de unde stii tu la site-uri XXX cum e treaba? :)

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Guest Don MaXxX
Acum pe bune, chiar crede cineva ca o chitara merita mai mult de 2000 de dolari?


da, eu. o chitara poate merita si 20 000$, dar asta-i alta poveste.

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Guest Don MaXxX
Ma refer la producerea unei chitare noi.. lemn, personal calificat si altele. Nu sa fi apartinut cuiva sau sa ti se para tie ca suna ca de 2 milioane de euro. Chiar este alta poveste :)


am inteles. dar si referindu-ma la chitari noi multe pot MERITA(atentie, nu costa) peste 2000$.




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Guest MrJackson
am inteles. dar si referindu-ma la chitari noi multe pot MERITA(atentie, nu costa) peste 2000$.





Peste 2000$ clar... si sunt destui pe forum care pot atesta asta. Chiar vb cu Calin deunazi si ajunsesem pe la suma de 5000$ parca, ca o limita a valorii unei chitari...

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