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midnight rider

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About midnight rider

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  • Location
    bucharest aka the middle of nowhere

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  • Band
    trans express,trenul de noapte,midnight express,Rares Totu blues X-perience, Rares Totu's Midnight Sun
  • Gear
    Fender Stratocaster 1965,Fender stratocaster 1972,Squier Japan 1983/Rio Grande pickups,Gibson Les Paul Gold Top Custom Shop 1957 RI,Gibson Les Paul standard Custom Shop 2007,Gibson Les Paul 1956 Custom Shop,Gibson ES335, gibson les paul classic 1992,ElDegas,copie fidela les paul custom,cca1973 cu doze gibson,Epiphone SG ,stagg SG,applause by ovation acustica,EpiphoneDobro.amp:marshall1987, marshall 2555 Silver Jubilee,Peavey 5150,Mesa Dual Rectifier,Fender twin Reverb 1966,Fender de luxe 1975,Fuchs oveerdrive supreme custom 20,Budda Superdrive II,doina 30wati,modificat de Oliver Vegh,boxa marshall 1960A,boxa marshall100w,1974cu greenback,boxa marshall4x15,cca1968,boxa Addict 2x12,cry baby wah,vox wah king,Budda wah,talk-box const.proprie,si o gramada de pedale,Ernie ball super slinkys

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  1. No.1,2 and 3 are Doina No.5,6,7,9,13,14,15,16 are Hora I suppose No.8 is made at the Reghin factory before it was named Hora I never knew if Meteor and Star 3 where Doina or Hora. There was another very strange model that I saw only once in my life, in the late Seventies, it was related to Star 3 but had no body, just a metal frame...like the Aria Sinsonido or a Yamaha... No. 10 and No.14 are made after 1989 when I was already living in another country but I am sure they are Hora because: a) Doina wasn't making electric guitars at that point they have the japanese pickups, switches and knobs that the Hora factory started using in the 80's on their main and most popular models : the Atlas (tele shape) and the Titan (LP shape) Before the 80's pickups where german made , sometimes they where Shaller production. The luxury top of the line model, Savoy came with a Coron pedal, either a distorsion, a phaser or a compressor...pedals looked like MXR and sounded quite good, and the japanese pickups on the Savoy were pretty decent White japanese single coils where crap and we were so glad when we could get a Jolana or Orpheus pickup to put in the guitars. This is why I started winding my own pickups.
  2. Hello...glad to see someone so passionate about romanian vintage guitars. I can shed some light on the names: No.3 : Serenada No.9 and No.16 : Atlas No.15 : Titan I don' t remember No.1 having a name...everybody called it Doina
  3. Joi `12 Mai 2016 va invit la un concert deosebit avandu-l ca invitat pe extraordinarul solist New Yorkez Dean Bowman, fost component si membru fondator al legendarului grup de fusion Screaming Headless Torsos dar si colaborator al lui John Scofield, Charlie Hunter si Don Byron. Ora 21 la Clubul Taranului, pret bilet 30 ron
  4. Se poate inchide, multumesc !
  5. Pret: 300 Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: 0722195275 Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Vand sansamp classic mult sub pretul pietei, e la mine in urma unui schimb,are velcro pe spate si e foarte putin julit la un colt... nu ma intereseaza decat lei sau euro sau dolari sau leva eventual forinti Singurele deviceuri cu care as schimba sunt lucruri vintage ( nu din anii 90 ) Si xotic sl drive eventual
  6. Comboul a functionat in casa cateva ore, arata impecabil, 1200 ron 0722195275
  7. Vand boxa orange folosita doar in casa cateva ore, e la mine in urma unui schimb, are un singur defect cosmetic, se vede urma de la picioarele de cauciuc ale amplificatorului care a stat pe ea. Pret 1500 ron
  8. Vand Orange Tiny Terror in stare excelenta, a fost folosita in casa de cateva ori, 1300 lei nenegociabil. 0722195275
  9. Pret: 280 Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: 0722195275 Link producator: https://m.thomann.de/ro/electro_harmonixxo_pulsar.htm?ref=mrl_aa_1 Stare: Nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Vand tremolo EH Pulsar, nou in cutie 280 lei usor negociabil
  10. Pret: 300 Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: 0722195275 Stare: Nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Vand phaser Electro Harmonix Small Stone varianta in cutie mare, care nu se mai fabrica de ceva timp din cauza ca chipurile care stau la baza acestui phaser full analog nu mai sunt disponibile. Pedala se vinde sh pe ebay in jur de 100 usd. Pretul meu 300 RON. Pedala este NOUA si SIGILATA. Contact pe PM sau la tel 0722195275
  11. Rares Totu's Midnight Sun in concert la ArCub, Sambata 24 Mai,ora 20 Jimi Hendrix Night,special guests : George Baicea,Calin Grigoriu,Hanno Hofer Seby Joo-bass,Constantin Barbaselu-tobe http://www.arcub.ro/agenda_detail.php?id=918
  12. PENTRU CEI CARE SE PLANGEAU CA NU SUNT SUFICIENT DE "VIZIBIL" PE SCENELE BUCURESTENE .... LUNI,17 MARTIE ORA 21 IN CLUBUL PUZZLE DIN PIATA VICTORIEI ALATURI DE SEBI YOO -BASS SI CONSTANTIN BARBASELU-TOBE vom interpreta slagare nemuritoare de odinioara si de mai incoace,in principal din creatia si repertoriul lui Jimi Hendrix,dar nu numai,ci si cateva cantecele mai vesele si mai triste din tezaurul anilor 60-70,ceva pe coordonatele classic rock- hard blues-texas blues. clubul Puzzle e destul de strict in ce priveste ora de incepere,mai ales ca e luni,asa ca cei care ati urmarit diverse serbari muzicale cu mine in trecut sa nu va asteptati ca va incepe la 12, asa cum v-am obisnuuit Pagina de FB a evenimentului https://www.facebook...66274583549374/
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