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    Gibson, Fender, Kemper.

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  1. Cumpar fingerboard radius fret pres caul, all size.
  2. Motu 2408 mk3 si motu pci-e 424 Nu comunica cu calculatoru. Nu se stie care dintre ele are probleme.
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  4. Nu ai nevoie de asa ceva ? https://forums.rgc.ro/topic/117367-woodoo-lab/
  5. Un Head Mesa rectifier 50w solo ?
  6. Un schimb cu asta https://forums.rgc.ro/topic/112743-scimb-roland-gr-55/ ?
  7. Roland Gr-55, cu diferenta ?
  8. Un set de doze Dimarzio super distortion Dp-100 Bridge & Neck ?
  9. O pedala Boss HR-2 ?
  10. Asta nu e mic https://forums.rgc.ro/topic/106256-woodoo-lab-commanderswitcher/#entry913820
  11. Salut , ptr. Ts9 pot oferi 2 pedale, un Hr2 Harmonist Boss, si un Compressor, The compressor Marshall.. ambele functioneaza perfect.
  12. Nu vrei sa facem schimb ? https://forums.rgc.ro/topic/106256-woodoo-lab-commanderswitcher/
  13. nu vrei sa facem schimb ? https://forums.rgc.ro/topic/106256-woodoo-lab-commanderswitcher/#entry913820
  14. Schimb cu Produs Apple .. macbook, Ipad, etc.
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