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Solarograma last won the day on August 23 2023

Solarograma had the most liked content!


Profile Information

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Other Information

  • Band
    Ordinul Negru, Katharos XIII, Cursed Cemetery, Argus Megere, Kultika, various projects
  • Gear
    Chitara electrica Framus Panthera Satin black - 7 strings
    -Seymour Duncan Blackouts AHB-1 set-
    Chitara electrica Framus Panthera Burgundy burst - 7 strings
    -Bare Knuckle Aftermarth set-
    Chitara electrica Framus Panthera Studio Custom - 7 strings
    -Seymour Duncan SH1-7(n), SSL2-7(m), SH4-7(b)
    Fender Classic Series 70s Stratocaster
    HB 12 strings electro-acoustic guitar
    Chitara acustica Reghin 1967
    Fractal AX8
    Hughes & Kettner TriAmp MK I
    Peavey 6505+
    Orange TH30
    Fender VM Bandmaster
    Cab Hughes & Kettner TriAmp 4x12 (V30)
    Korg N364
    Korg Monotron
    Pedalboard(s) Pedaltrain & Rockcase.
    Blackstar HT-Dual
    Fulltone OCD 1.7
    Death by Audio Evil Fuzz
    Earthquaker Devices Erupter fuzz
    Earthquaker Devices Data Corrupter
    Earthquaker Devices Bit Commander
    Earthquaker Devices Tone Job
    Old Blood Noise Endeavors The Hunt
    ZVex Fat Fuzz Factory
    ProCo RAT
    Behringer SF 300 fuzz
    JPTR FX Add Violence Super fuzz
    Crazy Tube Constellation fuzz
    Boss HM-2
    Digitech Whammy DT
    EHX POG2
    Voodoo Lab Wahzoo
    Eventide H9
    Strymon Timeline
    Tc Trinity2 Reverb
    Line 6 MM4
    Boss MD-500
    Source Audio Ventris Dual Reverb
    Meris Mercury 7 Reverb
    Meris LVX
    DOD 280 compressor clone
    Korg Pitchblack Tuner
    e-bow plus
    + various maruntisuri

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Enthusiast (6/14)

  • Very Popular Rare
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Solarograma's Feedback

  1. Tonica Octavian left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Pedalboard Warwick Rockcase
    Comuncare eficienta! Tranzactie finalizata cu succes

    Solarograma was The Seller

  2. Razvan S. left Positive feedback for a topic   

  3. Razvan S. left Positive feedback for a topic   

  4. IorgaAndreiDan left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Ehx Big Muff With Tone Wicker
    Awesome guy, awesome pedal...le recomand pe amandoua :)

    Solarograma was The Seller

  5. Pierre left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Eventide H9
    Tranzactie usoara, recomand.

    Solarograma was The Buyer

  6. Szasz Csaba left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Multe Pedale, Pedalboard Si Sursa
    Vanzator serios si de incredere.

    Solarograma was The Seller

  7. florerusu left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Tc Trinity Reverb
    super om, nici cea mai mica problema.recomand

    Solarograma was The Buyer

  8. Cristi V. left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Fender Bandmaster Vm
    comportament exemplar si elegant, in ciuda unei mici probleme care a aparut

    Solarograma was The Buyer

  9. Alin Rosulescu left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Epiphone G400 Worn Cherry (50's Wiring)
    Coleg extrem de serios. Totul a decurs fara probleme si foarte repede.

    Solarograma was Trading

  10. Razvan S. left Positive feedback for a topic   

  11. Razvan S. left Positive feedback for a topic   

  12. kistrui left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Mad Professor Forest Green Compresor Clone 100 De Ron
    vanzator de incredere.

    Solarograma was The Seller

  13. Andu Dementu left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Sau Schimb Sadowsky Preamp & Mad Profesor Compresor
    Persoana serioasa! Recomand

    Solarograma was The Buyer

  14. andy left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Custom - Cabluri / Conectica / Daisy-Chain / Patch-Uri
    Cumparator excelent

    Solarograma was The Seller

  15. Crypto left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Atenuator De Putere
    Am achizitionat un atenuator. Foarte multumit!

    Solarograma was The Seller

  16. Neuro left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Dunlop Dc Brick Multi-Power Supply
    super tranzactie!

    Solarograma was The Buyer

  17. Guest

    Guest left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Boss Ge7
    Deal perfect.User foarte serios. Recomand.

    Solarograma was Trading

  18. Rothmans left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Set Cinele Sabian B8 ( Preturi De Criza )
    Cumparator serios recomand .

    Solarograma was The Buyer

  19. Razvan S. left Positive feedback for a topic   

  20. cristi c. left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Ehx Ravish Sitar
    totul a decurs ca la carte. multumiri inca o data.

    Solarograma was The Seller

  21. Razvan S. left Positive feedback for a topic   

    HGE Contraptions (DIY hobby) -> Pedale Chitara Handmade / Modari Pedale / Wiring si Setup Chitare / Reparatii Ampuri
    Ma bucur ca i-am putut face fxloop volume reducerul!user foarte serios

    Solarograma was The Buyer

  22. Hyper10n left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Fuzz Copie Univox Superfuzz
    Om serios si de incredere, nimic de comentat! :D

    Solarograma was The Buyer

  23. Razvan S. left Positive feedback for a topic   

  24. florerusu left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Mxr 1974 Vintage Phase 90
    Cumparator extrem de serios si de incredere! Mersi

    Solarograma was The Buyer

  25. noxe left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Trace Elliot Dirtbox
    Om de omenie. +1 de la mine.

    Solarograma was The Seller

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